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Friday, January 28, 2022

When in Doubt, Trust….The Bush Administration?

A potentially precedent-setting ruling in a case involving Alaska resource development came through the Supreme Court yesterday.  It involved the legal contamination of a naturally occurring fish-bearing lake on the one hand, and the economic interest of a mining corporation on the other.  I’ll give you one guess who the court ruled for…and it wasn’t the environment.  (A lightbulb goes off over your head)  “Heyyyy, is this the same Supreme Court that ruled in favor of Exxon recently in that oil spill case?  The one where the environment and local people got the short end of the stick in favor…

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Lunch with Labor and Lattes with the Legislature!

Today from 11:30 – 1:30, Anchorage union members are hosting a picnic to encourage Senator Lisa Murkowski to support the Employee Free Choice Act.  Attendees will sign petitions and make phone calls to the Senator to encourage her to support the Act. In a strange case of “go figure,”  Congressman Don Young who sponsors the EFCA will be in attendance at the picnic. All union members and their families are invited to attend. The picnic will be held in the parking lot of Laborers International Union 341 (LIUNA), 2501 Commercial Drive, Anchorage, AK (In case of rain, the picnic will…

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Open Thread – This and That

I Want My Corrupt Bastard Fix! Time was, they were dropping like flies.  It seemed like hardly a month went by when a legislator wasn’t indicted for something.  After the fiasco that was the botched Ted Stevens trial, Alaskans have begun thinking that maybe that’s the end for our favorite past-time of watching the deserving get their just desserts.  Not so according to the Justice Department.  There’s an excellent article by Richard Mauer in today’s Anchorage Daily News, that addresses the issues, including the current investigations of Ted Stevens’ son, and former Alaska State Senate President Ben Stevens, and current-for0the-moment…

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Tuesday Catch Up – Down With Nukes, Bedbugs and Flaming Hyperbolic Outrage.

It’s Not Just You Many Alaskans are wondering how on earth they could have voted for Sarah Palin the first time.  Don’t feel bad. Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin can thank Washington lobbyist and political consultant Rick Davis, chief executive officer of John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign, for being the ultimate pick to become the Republican vice presidential candidate. “It was all his doing. He was completely snowed by Palin,” a source close to Mr. McCain confided to this columnist over the weekend. “He was totally taken by her.” See, it can happen to anyone. Don’t Let the Bedbugs Bite The…

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Missiles Good. Energy Efficiency Bad.

Budget cuts.  That’s where the rubber meets the road for fiscal conservatives.  Sarah Palin’s been talking a big game about fiscal conservatism.  Alaskans adored Ted Stevens and Don Young  and re-elected them for term after term after term (etc.) because they could bring home the pork, baby.  Don Young’s well-attended annual fundraiser is actually a pig roast.  On purpose.  And Alaskan pork isn’t all horrible and unfair.  We have challenges in transportation, scattered rural populations, and building infrastructure that other states cannot even fathom.  And we give a lot back to the nation in terms of mineral resources, awesome fish, and a…

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Bedtime in Alaska – Odds & Ends

Don Young Twitterjacked! Oh, the Twitter fun just never ends.  Not only is the good governor tweeting up a storm on her brand new Twitter account, but so is Don Young…..or so we thought.  Turns out that according to Young’s office an imposter has been tweeting weird stuff using the name and image of Don Young, and Palin was briefly taken in and followed the scoundrel on her own Twitter account!  Now that the jig is up, he’s been un-followed.  And on an amusing note, Mudflats, too, was briefly on the governor’s “follow” list and then removed.  Interesting… The Dirty Truth About…

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Palin Explains Ross’ Defeat – It’s the Bloggers, Stupid.

We all know that Governor Palin was quite taken with the idea of having Wayne Anthony Ross as her new Attorney General.  He apparently had all the things Alaskans look for in a candidate for the head of the Department of Law. “I believed I knew what Alaskans wanted when I selected an individual who is a strong backer of 2nd Amendment rights, a staunch supporter of the state Constitution and a defender of life,” Governor Palin said. “Wayne Anthony Ross supports responsible, ethical development of Alaska’s rich resources. And we all know that for the first time ever, a…

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So, if Gays are Lima Beans, What are Socialists?

OK, we’ve heard the “gays are lima beans” analogy from Attorney General nominee Wayne Anthony Ross. Now, here’s another odd food analogy from Congressman Don Young at the “Tea Party” in Wasilla yesterday.  Apparently socialists are consomme. And what the heck is “interpaneurspiship”? Don Young says socialism has never worked, because he was raised that way.  I guess he’s never used the library, or the roads, or the fire department, or the police, or went to public school.

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