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Friday, January 28, 2022

Alaskans Gone Wild – Say No to Frankenfish!

(Insert Jaws theme here) The Frankenfish is coming!  Unless we all speak up… The push to introduce a genetically-modified, farmed Atlantic-Pacific-Salmon-Eel hybrid into the marketplace continues, but we have time to stop it. Alaska’s entire congressional delegation is all on our side on this one, so no excuse to call it a “partisan political issue.” This is about Alaska’s greatest sustainable treasure, our wild and wonderful salmon. The FDA has already issued a draft Environmental Assessment with a finding that genetically modified Atlantic salmon caused no significant environmental impact. Really? Sorry, FDA. Alaskans are smarter than that. We know that contamination…

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Senate 2014 – Begich v. Palin?!

Here’s a little bright spot for Alaska Democrats. I know, right? How often to you hear THAT? Harper Polling, a Republican-leaning outfit, has done a survey in Alaska of 1157 likely voters. They asked about hypothetical match-ups in the 2014 senate race, in which giddy Republicans are lining up to take on freshman Democratic Senator Mark Begich. The poll was taken on January 29 – 30. After Begich’s narrow win in 2008 over Senator Ted Stevens, who at the time was a 7-time convicted felon, the right has had their knickers in a twist over the “illegitimacy” of Begich’s win….

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Oyster Roundup! Mush, Mountains & Miscreants

  ~Thick and fast they came at last, and more, and more, and more! We’ve got irons in the fire, and as one of our editors put it, “enough on our plates to feed a third world country.” So enjoy a platter of newsy sliders to tide you over until we get back into full swing this weekend. Mush and Track The Yukon Quest 1,000 mile international sled dog race starts on Saturday in Whitehorse, Yukon. It’s a tough field this year, and fans are gearing up for what should be an exciting competition. It will be easier to track…

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Guess Who Came to the Office?

Sorry. Didn’t mean to alarm you. No, this is not a clever photoshop job. “You never know who will stop by the office,” was the status update accompanying this photo on Senator Mark Begich’s Facebook page. It seems that former Republican nominee for US Senate Joe Miller (right), and his wife Kathleen happened to be in DC, and stopped by the Senator’s office. It wasn’t to discuss a potential contest between the two for Senate in 2014, but something of a more personal nature. The Millers’ son Jacob was nominated to the US Military Academy at West Point. Mr. Miller…

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Feingold Praises Murkowski

You see the tips of my fingers creep over the edge of the desk. Slowly you begin to see the top of my head, and soon you can see my eyes, and my nose resting on the surface – kind of like Kilroy in the days of yore, only looking from side to side, and a little freaked out. Something strange is going on.  Very, very strange. Earlier this week, we gave kudos to one Lisa Murkowski, Alaska’s Republican Senator. We’re not used to doing that, but let it not be said that we do not give credit where credit…

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Murkowski Thumbs Nose at Leadership

MEEP! MEEP! MEEP! We interrupt Alaska to bring you this special Sanity Report. Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski does not – we repeat – does NOT think that the debt ceiling should be used as leverage for spending cuts. Her sanity runs counter to Republican leadership in the Senate who have no problem creating an economic hostage situation and jeopardizing the US economy if they don’t get their way. Murkowski says that some of her Republican colleagues won’t say it “out loud,” but they agree with her. This means that both of Alaska’s Senators believe that we should, in fact, pay our…

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EXCLUSIVE: FBI Militia Informant Tells All

Bill Fulton, undercover FBI informant in the “Alaska Militia Trial,” gave a lengthy interview to The Mudflats about his role in the case, and his controversial life in Anchorage before it was revealed. In this article, he shares his candid opinion about local Anchorage media, national progressive media, Joe Miller, and what they got wrong. Yours truly didn’t even escape entirely unscathed. Bill Fulton came to Alaska, the biggest small town in the world, and became instantly “known.” He owned a shop in Anchorage that was utterly unforgettable. A military supply store, which doubled as offices for a security company,…

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GOP Civil War: State Edition

The most fascinating political fight in the land isn’t between Republicans and Democrats, but within the Republican Party. And it’s full-on war. The RINOs are being exposed for what they are: big government, corporate welfare hypocrites who don’t support the party platform and who will compromise any moral code to accomplish their aims. Thus fumed the GOP’s 2010 (and possible 2014) US Senate candidate Joe Miller on his blog recently. You can skip the following section if you’re from Alaska. ********************************************************************************************************* Forthwith, the Lower 48 Cliff’s Notes on Joe Miller’s view of the Republican Party. His wing of the party…

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Begich Wins Seat on Appropriations

Score! (I search frantically for a Democratic Alaskan political wonk and fistbump them!) I wrote before about how Harry Reid was busy armoring Mark Begich for his upcoming reelection fight in 2014 with committee positions that would bolster his effectiveness in Washington, and make him indispensable to his home state. What did Ted Stevens fans refer to when touting the special power he held in the senate? “Well, you know…” they’d say as they jammed their hands in theirr pockets and arched an eyebrow, “He was the, uh… head of the Appropriations Committee. Stick that in your pipe and smoke…

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OT: Shell Games & Hammertime

[This is an open thread.] The backspin on Shell’s latest Alaskan Coastline Enhancement Initiative has already begun, with “we’ll probably mostly skate this time” apparently the central thrust. You should also send a thank-you note to the burglar who broke into your house because, hey—no arson. Thanks, bro. Here now is some context involving Conoco’s Alaska’s US Senator Lisa Murkowski (R). Our friend Heather Aronno over at Alaska Commons produced a July 2011 NPR interview she describes as “Shell making their sales pitch for the offshore drilling that’s going so spectacularly.” “At the time, Senator Murkowski voiced concerns about the…

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