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Friday, January 28, 2022

EXCLUSIVE: FBI Militia Informant Tells All

Bill Fulton, undercover FBI informant in the “Alaska Militia Trial,” gave a lengthy interview to The Mudflats about his role in the case, and his controversial life in Anchorage before it was revealed. In this article, he shares his candid opinion about local Anchorage media, national progressive media, Joe Miller, and what they got wrong. Yours truly didn’t even escape entirely unscathed. Bill Fulton came to Alaska, the biggest small town in the world, and became instantly “known.” He owned a shop in Anchorage that was utterly unforgettable. A military supply store, which doubled as offices for a security company,…

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GOP Civil War: State Edition

The most fascinating political fight in the land isn’t between Republicans and Democrats, but within the Republican Party. And it’s full-on war. The RINOs are being exposed for what they are: big government, corporate welfare hypocrites who don’t support the party platform and who will compromise any moral code to accomplish their aims. Thus fumed the GOP’s 2010 (and possible 2014) US Senate candidate Joe Miller on his blog recently. You can skip the following section if you’re from Alaska. ********************************************************************************************************* Forthwith, the Lower 48 Cliff’s Notes on Joe Miller’s view of the Republican Party. His wing of the party…

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Palin Galluping Off the Chart

In these days of political woe and want, when fiscal cliffs, and debt ceilings, and oil rig groundings get us down, there’s really nothing like another little piece of confirmation that Sarah Palin is slipping into oblivion to make us at Mudflats central clonk our coffee mugs together and smile.  It doesn’t really mean anything, but it’s still nice. It’s like the empty calories from a butterscotch candy. So, here’s one. Every year since the 1940s, Gallup has done a poll asking Americans two simple questions: What man/woman that you have heard or read about, living today in any part…

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Track Palin to Divorce

Huh. That was quick. And apparently it is news. So sayeth the Washington Post. After 23-year old Track Palin and his wife Britta, 22, watched a 48-minute movie on the impact of divorce on children, …they filed jointly for divorce. This means they’ve agreed to a settlement, including property, finances, and child support. The couple, who had been dating since high school, married in April of last year. The wedding of the jean-clad couple, at Hatcher Pass, Alaska, was reported after the fact in a gushy People Magazine article by Lorenzo Benet. Benet authored the equally gushy Sarah Palin biography Trailblazer,…

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Pozonsky-gate. The Plot Thickens.

But wait, there’s more! Not only did the hiring scandal of former Pennsylvania Judge Paul Pozonsky into the Parnell administration touch strange corners of Alaska politics, it seems that the Judge’s checkered history in Pennsylvania is not just limited to destruction of evidence in 17 drug cases, but it now appears he’s been doing some inappropriate favors for frackers in the name of keeping information from the press and the public by inappropriately sealing records. Are we shocked? No, we are not. Alaska politics are such that it takes a lot to consider something scandalous, let alone a soap opera….

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Pozonsky-Gate Demands Answers

I hate messy breakups, and boy did we have one this week. Former Pennsylvania Judge Paul Pozonsky resigned as a workers’ compensation hearing officer for the State of Alaska Thursday, just days after I started asking exactly how he got hired. Pozonsky apparently got the job after a closed application process was reopened just long enough for him to apply. For some reason, the fact that the former judge was under investigation by a Pennsylvania grand jury for ordering the destruction of evidence in 17 court cases, and that he resigned from the job last June after being stripped of…

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The Audacity of Failure – She’s Back!

She ran for governor of Georgia in 2010 and lost. Then she took one of the most beloved and successful non-profits on the planet, set it on fire, and shoved it out to sea like a viking funeral pyre, before resigning in disgrace. Then she wrote a book with the painfully prosaic title “Planned Bullyhood,” in which she called members of Planned Parenthood  “a bunch of schoolyard thugs.” So, what’s next for Karen Handel, disgraced and ostracized former head of the Susan G. Komen foundation? She’s considering a run for the U.S. Senate, of course. If she ran, she would…

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Gifts That Support The Mudflats!

Support The Mudflats and spread some holiday cheer with two great gifts! For a fifty dollar donation, I’ll sign a copy of the New York Times best-selling book Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin.  I’ll even personalize it to whomever you like… it makes a great present, AND you support our important work here at the Mudflats. The book was co-authored by former Palin aide Frank Bailey, award-winning novelist Ken Morris, and yours truly. Blind Allegiance continues to provide insight into Alaskan politics of the day, and explains the rise of one of the most controversial and inexplicable politicians of modern times. When…

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OMG! Liberal Palin Freak Out!

I think I heard something… That familiar grinding sound like when you’ve worn through a pair of brake shoes. Shhh… Hear that? Ah! Yes. I’ve got it. That metal on metal noise used to be Alaska’s governor. She’s managed to grab a moment in the spotlight again by… wait for it… saying dumb stuff. Shocking. After the last election cycle in which her party was soundly thrashed, she lost her one remaining claim to anything remotely serious. She’s now no longer the immediate past Republican Vice Presidential nominee. That embarrassing mantle is now worn by Congressman Paul Ryan. That makes…

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Parnell Hiring Scandal leads back to Dyson, Kopp, Palin

Chuck Kopp, Chief of Staff to Republican State Senator Fred Dyson, and a two-week Palin administration official, dismissed over a sex scandal is now at the center of another firestorm – the controversial hiring of his brother-in-law Paul Pozonsky by the Parnell administration. Pozonsky, a Pennsylvania judge under investigation for destroying evidence (including crack cocaine and cash) in 17 criminal cases was hired by the Parnell administration as an Alaska hearings officer. He was given the job despite his late application, the fact that the current investigation has stripped him of his ability to hear cases, and that he was…

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