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Friday, January 28, 2022

When in Doubt, Trust….The Bush Administration?

A potentially precedent-setting ruling in a case involving Alaska resource development came through the Supreme Court yesterday.  It involved the legal contamination of a naturally occurring fish-bearing lake on the one hand, and the economic interest of a mining corporation on the other.  I’ll give you one guess who the court ruled for…and it wasn’t the environment.  (A lightbulb goes off over your head)  “Heyyyy, is this the same Supreme Court that ruled in favor of Exxon recently in that oil spill case?  The one where the environment and local people got the short end of the stick in favor…

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Oyster Roundup!

Thick and fast, they came at last, and more and more and more! – Lewis Carroll Be There for Health Care I’ve had a few people ask me where Mark Begich stands on including a public option in the new healthcare plan.  The answer is….I’m not sure.  But you have an opportunity to raise your voice with the more than 75% of Americans who want a public option.  Senator Begich will have a Health Care Reform Town Hall Meeting tomorrow, Saturday, June 20, from 10:30 to noon at the Willa Marston Theatre in the Loussac Library. Grassroots outcry for a…

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Palin’s “Hungry Markets” Not So Hungry. (Updated – Andrew Halcro Weighs In)

In several recent interviews, Governor Sarah Palin has told the country about the importance of getting “Alaska’s rich natural resources to hungry markets” in the Lower 48.   And she’s been celebrating a new alliance between Trans-Canada Corp., and Exxon to build Alaska’s huge $26 billion dollar gas pipe line project. In light of all this buzz, it was interesting that an article just came out in The Financial Post, with the ominous title “Demand for Arctic Gas Dries Up.” The North American natural gas industry is “overbuilt,” pointing to weak prices for a long time, said [Steve] Letwin, Houston-based executive…

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Alaska and Exxon – A Romance Rekindled.

It’s been a while since we’ve had a good episode of Mudflats Theatre.  This one’s a romance, although I don’t know if it’s a good “date night” movie. The scene opens in the bedroom. (I promise, this is rated G….well….PG) We see a couple in bed.  They are wrapped in a sheet.  She’s nestled in the crook of his arm.  The scene seems peaceful, and we understand immediately that there is a bond between these two lovers.  There is a story here. “Mmmmm.  What are you thinking?” she asks, in a sort of dreamy soothing voice. “Oh…I don’t know.  It’s…

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President Obama Declares Flood Disaster in Alaska

Good news today for those impacted by the historic flooding in interior Alaska. President Obama has officially declared a disaster, making it possible for those in need to seek federal assistance. I know that several state and federal agencies have been working hard to cross the Ts and dot the Is so this could be possible. Here’s hoping the news brightens the spirits of those who have lost so much. “I am pleased the president and his administration are recognizing the dire circumstances experienced by many Alaskans impacted by this flooding. We welcome the federal assistance to help residents and…

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Palin, the Pipeline, and Exxon

  Rumors were circulating last night, but it looks like its going to be official. Palin tweeted about her conversations with Alaska’s congressional delegation and the need to flow Alaska’s gas to “hungry markets,” and guess who’s going to help? The pipeline company TransCanada announced today that it has an agreement with Exxon Mobil Corporation to work together on an natural gas pipeline from Alaska to the Lower 48. “We are pleased that TransCanada and ExxonMobil have reached agreement on initial project terms to progress this exciting initiative,” Hal Kvisle, TransCanada president and chief executive officer, said in a written statement….

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The Hope Truck Trilogy – Part 1, The Departure

Here’s the report we’ve all been waiting for, and it was definitely worth the wait.  Mudflatter Hope is the one who volunteered to fill up a truck of donated supplies, tools, and clothing donations and drive them up the highway to Eagle to help the victims of the Yukon River flooding.  She did such a great and detailed job of chronicling her odyssey, that it will be posted as a trilogy!  You can check back throughout the day for the other two parts which are yet to come. Once again thank you to all in this community who stepped up…

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Rep. Les Gara on Palin, The Stimulus, and Renewable Energy for Alaska

By Rep. Les Gara Alaska has the highest energy prices in the nation. The solution to the problem isn’t rejecting funds that could (if we choose) be dedicated to build wind, hydro and other renewable energy production. Urban Alaska is facing a dangerous short-term shortage of natural gas. Rural Alaska is facing a shortage of affordable, reliable energy.   The nation is trying to grapple with an over-reliance on foreign oil. The Governor’s decision doesn’t help the national goal of domestic energy production to minimize our reliance on energy from rogue countries, or countries that are leading to world instability. It…

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Rural Update – Rebuilding Eagle and How You Can Help!

Just got the following message from yukonbushgrma out in flood-ravaged Eagle.  The City of Eagle is now collecting relief donations via a Paypal account, so those of you who wish to help in that way, here are the directions ************************************************************* [By Yukonbushgrma] We finally have the specifics on how folks can donate to “Rebuild Eagle” via Paypal. Thanks to everyone for patiently waiting while we got the account set up! And PLEASE — if you wish, please spread the word to everyone in your address book! This Paypal fund, “Rebuild Eagle,” is set up to benefit those who have lost…

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Palin Rejects Stimulus Money. Throws Alaska Under the Bus to “Save Face.”

I can’t help noticing the irony of the front page of the Anchorage Daily News.  It pretty much says it all, quite poetically. A)  Over there on the left in the headlines section it says: Palin Cuts $80 Million from Budget – Gov. Palin announced today that she is vetoeing $80 million from the state budget, including federal stimulus dollars meant to go for energy relief. B)  And then right next to it under an aerial photo of the remote village of Selawik, it says: In the winter, Village Police Officer Clarence Snyder doesn’t use jail cells. They don’t have…

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