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Friday, January 28, 2022

CRUDE. Another Example of Why You Should Never Ever Trust Chevron.

As if we needed another reason to remind us what big trans-national oil companies will do when they can. Right here in Alaska, Chevron allowed six million gallons of oil to sit unchecked on the shores of Cook Inlet in the path of an erupting volcano. Bob Shavelson of Cook Inletkeeper described it on Mudflats. Despite months of warning, there was no actionable plan in place to address a catastrophic spill from the facility. The spill contingency plan required by laws passed after the Exxon Spill didn’t address a 6 million gallon spill, and it didn’t even envision oil from…

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1 – 2 – 3 … Jump! Entering the Blogosphere.

At Netroots Nation, I attended a lot of panel discussions because I thought they’d be valuable for me, and for Mudflats.  But there was one that I looked at and thought… I’m going to this one for YOU.  So many of you donated to make the trip possible, and voted for my scholarship, this was my way of saying thank you with some tangible information that will help you make change where you are, whether you’re  in Alaska or not. Have you ever wondered what it would be like to start a local blog? Do you have a blog already…

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Netroots – Turning Red Districts Blue: Organizing for Change

  One of my favorite panels at Netroots Nation was the panel discussion entitled Turning Red Districts Blue: Organizing for Change. Panelists were David Atkins (moderator), Darcy Burner, Adam Lambert, Democracy for America’s Arshad Hasan, Matt Browner Hamlin, and Eden James. Matt Browner Hamlin spoke about his time as Mark Begich’s online communications director in the 2008 campaign. MBH:  The challenge in Alaska is how do you get from a population which is only 23% Democratic to a vote of 50% +1. It was a big hurdle. Most Alaskans are registered as Non-Partisan. What helped the Begich campaign was the…

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Viral Videos and Progressive Politics

One of the seminars I attended at Netroots Nation was called “Inclusive Footage – How Viral Vdeos are Impacting Progressive Politics” The term “exclusive footage” is a hallmark of mainstream media, dating back to the earliest days of broadcasting.  With the advent of the Internet and YouTube, exclusive footage is rapidly being replaced by inclusive footage, or video taht traverses the globe faster than any singtle media outlet can control.  As seen in footage from Iranian protesters, video has escaped the confines and control of governments and the media, and now anyone with a camera and PC can produce and…

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Mudstock Pittsburgh – Sunday August 16!

Plans have at last been finalized for Mudstock Pittsburgh in August! There have been Mudstock Meetups coast to coast, and I’m finally going to be able to attend one!  It is scheduled to coincide with the conclusion of the Netroots Nation conference, and will be held right down the street.  Your votes, and messages of support are responsible for me receiving a scholarship to attend the event, and now I’m going to get to meet you all in person!  It’s going to be very exciting to see everyone “in real life” rather than as a little avatar.  It sounds like…

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Open Thread – Mystery Goo Revealed!

    This is a Steller’s sea lion that visited on my recent trip to Prince William Sound.  She wasn’t the least bit frightened and hung out by the boat for several minutes.  And speaking of dark things floating in the ocean… The mysterious 12-mile long blob of goo that was found floating in the Chukchi Sea off the norther coast of Alaska has been identified!  (drum roll please)  It’s……algae!   OK, that’s not a particularly romantic answer, but algae it is.  Just where it came from and why are still a mystery, and nobody had ever seen anything like it…

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A Nugget from Nome

Don’t hold back now, Nome.  Tell us how you really feel… [h/t Alaska Pi]

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Palin Going Rogue? Name That Party!

Uh oh.  What’s a soon-to-be-ex-almost-one-term governor to do when only one third of her own party thinks she’s qualified to be president? A majority of Americans think Sarah Palin is stepping down as Alaska’s governor for political reasons, according to a new national poll, with a majority of Republicans now saying that they do not believe that Palin would be an effective president. Only 33 percent of Republicans questioned in a CBS News survey released Monday night say that Palin would have the ability to serve effectively as president. Last fall, 71 percent of registered Republicans felt that way. There’s one…

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Palin’s Health Care Priorities and Alaska’s Daughters

Today, Lisa Demer of the Anchorage Daily News has broken a story that adds another scandal to the growing list of  scandals that have plagued this administration, and shines the light on Alaska’s very own health care crisis.  Demer’s story centers on the horrendous condition of the Alaska’s state programs that are designed to help its most vulnerable citizens, the elderly and disabled. The situation is so bad the federal government has forbidden the state to sign up new people until the state makes necessary improvements. [snip] The moratorium is expected to last four or five months. State officials estimate…

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Ethics Complaint #18 Filed Against Sarah Palin

Anchorage resident and registered Republican Andrée McLeod has filed an ethics complaint today with the Attorney General’s Office charging that Governor Palin violated the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act and knowingly, intentionally and willfully abused her official position and state resources for partisan political purposes and withheld official action for personal and political interests. “We’ve been had,” says Andrée McLeod. “Sarah Palin failed to preserve, protect and safeguard the office of the governor for selfish reasons and the State of Alaska and Alaskans were left vulnerable and exposed.” Signed and completed official travel documents show that upon being summoned by…

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