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Friday, January 28, 2022

3 Key Speeches from the DNC Opening Night

    Here are three key speeches from the first night of the Democratic National Convention that rocked the house in Charlotte, North Carolina – Congressional candidate Tammy Duckworth, San Antonio Mayor Julián Castro, and First Lady Michelle Obama. The transcripts are of the remarks as prepared. Tammy Duckworth, candidate for U.S. Congress “My name is Tammy Duckworth. I’m running to serve Illinois’ 8th Congressional District. My father served in the Army and the Marine Corps. A Vietnam vet, his family has worn our nation’s uniform since the American Revolution. My husband is an Army officer. My brother saved lives…

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Mittpocrisy: Israel & Health Care

“As president, I will restore our relationship with Israel and stand shoulder to shoulder with our close ally.” Thus spoke Mitt Romney today, in a lame attempt to get himself into the media’s DNC narrative. This piece, dear Mudpups, is not about the Israel-Palestine debate. That discussion occurs, usually heatedly, in plenty of other places, and has for quite some time. This is about duplicity, about being on both sides of every issue, and in a feat of mind-blowing mental gymnastics, contradicting one’s own lies This is about a man who will say absolutely anything to anyone, and take any position…

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RIP, RNC. AK at DNC in NC!

Well, it was quite a week. Hurricane Isaac was the featured guest of the non-first night of the Republican National Convention in Tampa, Florida. Then we were treated to days of hearing the sad tales of long-suffering Republicans who had to sell some stock to get by in their early years, and stories of struggle and fear that if they couldn’t make it, they’d be forced to rely on their wealthy and supportive families to come to the rescue. And worst of all, they had to eat… TUNAfish, and PASTA. Ohhh, the humanity. Ann Romney never quite said, “I feel…

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The Other Side of the Conversation

  How many of you get those right wing “viral emails” from family and friends who are politically uninformed, raise your hand. That’s what I thought. Invariably, almost everyone has a coworker, uncle, mother-in-law, or ex-roommate who habitually blankets their entire contact list with these emails, usually about President Obama or the First Lady, with tales of secret college papers, birth certificate forgery, lavish White House redecorating, or some other horror du jour. They’ve gotten this email from someone they trust. This email is from a soldier, or someone who knew Barry in grade school. They’re doing it for our…

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Ryan: Wisconsin Death Grip

Disasters befell one small town in Wisconsin during the final decade of the 19th century. The town of Black River Falls seems gripped by some peculiar malaise and the weekly news is dominated by bizarre tales of madness, eccentricity and violence amongst the local population. Suicide and murder are commonplace. People in the town are haunted by ghosts, possessed by devils…  —“Wisconsin Death Trip” Having one candidate wreck your state’s brand—a matter of which we Alaskans can speak with authority—can be chalked up as an aberration. But four, in the space of two years? That’s a pattern. That’s critical mass….

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Dear Mr. President, “I believe,” is not good policy

An open letter to President Barack Obama: Dear Mr. President, As a woman who worked very hard to make sure your last opponents were not elected — walking door to door in the snow on your behalf, registering more than a thousand Alaskans to vote, exposing Palin in the national media, etc. — I feel obligated to write you about a few of my concerns. Your secretary of the interior, Ken Salazar, recently told reporters asking about Shell’s recent drilling permits and Alaska’s Arctic, “I believe there’s not going to be an oil spill.” Sir, he just wrote the headline for the first oil spill under…

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SCOTUS Decision is a Win for Alaskan Women

~President Obama signs the Affordable Care Act in 2010 Today’s ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court on the Affordable Care Act means that critical new benefits for women remain intact. The constitutionality of Obama’s Health Care plan was in question, and a 5-4 decision (including Chief Justice Roberts) came down in favor of the President’s health care reform law. Even the individual mandate was upheld, not under the Commerce Clause, but under Congress’ powers of taxation. Planned Parenthood of the Pacific Northwest released a statement this morning stating that under today’s ruling, millions of women will have access to birth…

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Waiting for Spring in America

The sun hangs longer in the sky. Sunrise to sunset, the time of sunlight now dominates the pie graph in my ‘daylight’ app on my iPhone. We Alaskans feel the undeniable stirrings of light and life. After the long darkness that tests our psyche at the depths of winter, most of us welcome the forces of the spring solstice. Tell me, then, why I am feeling so depressed; so uninspired? Here is a hint: politics. By most measures, we Alaskans are among the most fortunate human beings alive…ever. We live in the wealthiest state (per capita) in the wealthiest nation…

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Romney Tanks in the South – Bless His Heart…

Well, it’s Cheesy Grits Primary night in the deep south. So, what’s really important to the Republican primary voters in Alabama and Mississippi? What feature, above all others, is most critical in a president? Is it morality? Experience? True conservatism? Of course not. Better an immoral, un-experienced fake conservative than… President Obama. And if it’s not his lack of experience, as they once claimed; or his lack of conservative credentials… and if lack of morality is a non-issue for a candidate on either side, then what could it be? Rick Santorum has edged out Newt Gingrich to take Alabama. Next…

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Why Offshore Oil Should Wear Its Seatbelt

By Shannyn Moore A friend of mine has a “driving teenager.” I know my time is coming, so I’ve watched their interaction closely. “Be home by 11. Wear your seat belt. Call or text me to check in at 10. You can’t give rides to anyone. Don’t bring the car back on empty. Don’t drink anything you shouldn’t and drive. Give yourself enough time to drive safe and be home on time.” Seemed reasonable to me. “You NEVER let me do anything!” came the response. “Well, you’re my child, and it’s my car. If you can’t recognize a privilege enough…

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