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Friday, January 28, 2022

Parnell – Time to End the Hypocrisy

Earlier this month, Governor Giveaway asked for disaster relief funds from the federal government to help Alaskans. This week he refused to set up a state-run health care exchange, which would have helped tens of thousands of Alaskans buy insurance cheaper on the free market by pooling together. That’ll teach the federal government! It reminds me of when I was a teenager. I wanted to go out with my friends. It was a Friday night, and I was 17. “Be home at 10,” Pop said. “What? 10?! Are you kidding me?” “OK, 9:30.” “But Pop!” “9 is fine.” “That doesn’t…

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Palin Picker says Rice “Not Very Bright”

It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. ~Charles Darwin The reason Great Britain remains a top-tier international economic and political power today is because it did a great job adapting from one reality to another. Seeing the heads of monarchs rolling across Europe, our mother country decided to give this whole parliamentary democracy thing a go, while repurposing the House of Windsor as stately and impotent figureheads and turning Buckingham Palace into Disneyworld. Apple Computer learned some tough lessons at…

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Study Will Not Avert the Crisis

. One of our most dangerous self-deceptions these days is the belief that simply studying the impacts of climate change will somehow avert the crisis. It won’t. Studying climate change will not keep one carbon atom out of the global atmosphere. We already know enough about the disastrous impacts of climate change to know that we need to take bold, urgent action to solve it, and we know exactly what steps to take. Yet many in government, industry, and academia continue to insist that more study is needed before we take difficult steps to solve the crisis. Scientific uncertainty is…

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Alaska Votes to Go Back

It’s surprising that more Alaskans aren’t wearing those puffy white braces around their necks. If you missed getting whiplash from Tuesday’s election results, you either don’t follow politics or you’re hibernating with the bears. The nation rejected the radical right agenda on many levels. Four states approved marriage equality for their gay and lesbian citizens. (I know! Maryland, Maine, Michigan and Washington aren’t, like Anchorage, holding public meetings so hundreds of people can quote scripture about why their freedoms are under attack if they can’t FIRE or EVICT gay people.) Recreational marijuana was legalized in Washington and Colorado. Three days…

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Contacts for Voting Problems

Throughout early voting, I have been receiving emails, Facebook messages and phone calls reporting problems folks have encountered. They have included: — A pollworker demanding to see a voter card in addition to the voter’s driver’s license. (Note: if you do have your voter card, provide that first. It makes things easier.) — A voter was required to vote a question ballot because their address listed on the register was one number off the correct one, which was listed on their voter card. — A voter was listed on their voter card in the wrong district (according to APRN, this…

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Breaking: UAW files ethics charge on Romney auto bail-out profiteering

The United Auto Workers and the SEIU picked up Greg Palast’s Nation story on Mitt making bank from the US Auto bailout that he claimed to hate. Since my editor here at the Mudflats allowed me some time off from my job as Mudflats NY Bureau Chief to research this story with Palast – I figured that all the mudpuppies would like to hear to that there’s going to be a press conference  in Ohio that should make a big hit in that swing state – and the nation.  When video is available – I’ll post… until then – watch the…

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Oyster Roundup Deluxe Election Smorgasbord!

This is really more like a bag of Halloween goodies than an oyster platter. Enjoy! Quote of the Week: “Please, I’m begging you. Go vote for this guy. He’s awesome!” ~Bob Lester of the Bob & Mark Show on KWHL about State Senate candidate Ron Devon. Party’s Over! Remember the breathless complaint that was filed against Senator Hollis French, and Putting Alaskans First? The Party Planner was all in a tizzy because they used the same APOC savvy bookkeeper, and the same production company to do their commercials. Ergo, they must be in cahoots and illegally coordinating the two campaigns,…

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Thong Wars

With only 13 days left until the election, we sit glued to the TV watching swing state polls, national trends, and of course the slugfests we call “debates.” We’re spending a lot of time guessing where people will put their votes, and analyzing what campaigns are getting whose money. And yet with all the political speculation, nobody has asked the question – who are we putting in our pants? Sure, people are willing to wear t-shirts with one-liners like: “I’d rather vote for the mormon than the moron” or “Romney for President – of the Cayman Islands” But who gets…

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Oyster Round Up!

It’s time for another chilled plate of delectable goodies from the week. Let’s start off with a true story that happened right after last week’s roundup. Picture me sitting on the couch on a Saturday afternoon, minding my own business, and drinking a cup of coffee.  Let’s watch…  Knock, Knock! Who’s there? The mailman with a certified letter from Austin McDaniel! Austin McDaniel, who? Austin McDaniel, Governor Sean Parnell’s social media coordinator sending a copy of an APOC complaint to senate candidate Ron Devon! Nope, not kidding. That was my Saturday. So, what’s up with that? When people donate to…

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Romney Wanted to “Take a Swing” at Obama

Not THAT Romney – one of his five sons. The one that’s named like a Palin. In an interview with North Carolina radio host Bill Lumaye on Wednesday, Mitt Romney’s son Tagg said that he wanted to “rush down to the debate stage and take a swing at” President Barack Obama during last night’s presidential debate… Interesting that the “family values” candidate’s son’s first response to hearing his dad get called on not telling the truth was rush the stage and deck the President of the United States.  Quite the model citizen. Luckily for him, the First Son wannabe thought better of assaulting the leader…

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