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Friday, January 28, 2022

I’ll Take Palin Fibs and Fables for $200, Alex.

“The feds.”  It’s a slang term that most of us are used to seeing after the words “seized by” or before the words “raided the house.”   It’s never said with respect or fondness.   Rarely do you hear someone say “the feds are trying to give me money,”  or “the feds want to weatherize my house.”  And never have I heard a governor of one of the 50 states, that is actually part of the country, call the federal government “the feds.”  I would no more expect that than I would expect to hear them talk about “the fuzz” or “the coppers.” But…

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Isn’t There an Ice Floe Somewhere That Needs a Homophobic Preacher?

If there is such an ice floe, I know plenty of people who would gladly escort Jerry Prevo on to it, and ceremoniously shove him off the shore with their foot to a destination far far away…or perhaps to no destination at all.   Prevo, of the Anchorage Baptist Temple has been a notorious opponent of civil rights for the LGBT community in the past, and he shows no signs whatsoever of intellectual or moral evolution.  He does, however, continue to throw stones, embrace divisiveness, and can now take credit for this:  Is this a joke?  It looks like one, but alas, no.  There’s…

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Palin Ethics Complaint Dismissed.

Regarding this latest ethics complaint against Gov. Sarah Palin to be dismissed, filer Andree McLeod says that “her publicly funded partisan and publicly funded state staff and resources for personal partisan political purposes that have nothing to do with the state’s interests and everything to do with her personal, extremely partisan political Washington, D.C., beltway interests.” The Personnel Board disagrees. Here’s part of the latest press release from the governor’s office.  Please note the naming of a private citizen in the title of the release, and the disclosure of the employment history of that private citizen as it relates to state…

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Daily Wrap Up – Showing Some Skin.

Wow.  If there was a theme for the day, it would have to be “skin.”  Who knew there would be enough of it to do a whole wrap-up on the “unwrapped,” as it were. First, the governor herself. (She’s sitting all the way on the right) Seems that the governor had another one of her wardrobe challenged moments.  Standing in front of the closet, on the way to a veterans’ memorial event that commemorated members of the Alaskan military who paid the ultimate price for their country, where hundreds had come, some from thousands of miles away, she chose…. a teeny little…

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Keeping Up With the Johnstons

Sherry Johnston, according to her lawyer Rex Butler, has agreed to plead guilty to a felony drug charge of  “possession with intent to deliver.”  She will submit her guilty plea on July 31, and in exchange, the state has agreed to dismiss five other drug charges against her. She arrived at the courthouse (above) with her daughter Mercede, Tank Jones, and the almost-son-in-law of the governor, Levi.   (whispering to Sherry and Levi) I think that Mercede and Tank need to be consulted on appropriate wardrobe choices from now on….just sayin’. Johnston’s arrest involved the drug oxy-contin, a narcotic painkiller for…

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Alaska’s Deadliest Match – Fish and Pebble Mine

Captain Sig Hansen, well known for his featured status on the cable show Deadliest Catch has used his political capital, as it were, to speak out against the proposed Pebble Mine Project. It’s unusual for a “Deadliest Catch” crew member to take a hard stance in a big Alaska resource battle like Pebble. Hansen, who lives in Seattle, said he usually shies away from requests to get involved in anything political. Because Hansen exploits crab stocks and other Alaska fisheries, he said, he can’t be opposed to all resource development. “I’m not your typical greenie,” Hansen said. [snip] He’s persuaded…

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Coast Guard Intrigue.

There are frustratingly few details on the story that broke today about Coast Guard Captain Mark Hamilton.  The Anchorage Sector Commander was abruptly relieved of duty yesterday morning for “alleged misconduct and loss of confidence in the officer’s ability to command,” according to the press release issued by the Coast Guard. Reached Monday night, [Rear Admiral Arthur C.] Brooks said the investigation of Hamilton, who held the third-highest billet in the state, has been going for about a month and is likely to continue for another month or two. The investigation, conducted by the Coast Guard Investigative Service, has produced…

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Hey, Perino! You Want Breathless Indignance? I’ll Show You Some Breathless Indignance…

So, here’s the scenario:  Sarah Palin praises the Obama administration.   Yes, this has actually happened.   Palin did it once before, when she praised Obama’s energy plan.  But that was before her nomination as the Republican Vice Presidential candidate, after which she did a turnabout quicker than you can say “Drill, Baby Drill!” But now it has happened again.  And it means that either Sarah Palin has suddenly been struck on the head by a blunt object, rendering her capable of siding with someone who is not only on the other side, but also a “fed”, or it means that the Obama administration…

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Monday Morning Cleavage!

Here’s an interesting little story.  There is cleavage in the story, but the point of the story isn’t really about cleavage. I figured I’d just get that out of the way right off the bat and come back to it later to illustrate a point. The players in this little story are Mike Nizich, Governor Palin’s Chief of Staff; Annette Kreitzer, Commissioner of the Department of Administration, and citizen watchdog Andree MacLeod. Andree McLeod has filed several ethics complaints against the Governor in the past few months.  She’s also filed a public records request that asks the state to turn over a…

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