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Friday, January 28, 2022

Snidely Whiplash Does the Happy Dance!

(Imagine a hilariously funny graphic that sadly doesn’t exist, of Snidely Whiplash doing a happy dance here) This just in…. Ethics complaint #12 (that we know of) against Sarah Palin which alleged that SarahPAC, the governor’s political action committee was itself a violation of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act was dismissed today. The .pdf of the Personnel Board’s decision, via Independent Counsel Tom Daniel is HERE ethicscomplaintdismissal The board stated that there was no basis to conclude that the Governor used her office to create the PAC. So, this ethics complaint that was filed on April 22 has been…

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Bedtime in Alaska – Odds & Ends

Don Young Twitterjacked! Oh, the Twitter fun just never ends.  Not only is the good governor tweeting up a storm on her brand new Twitter account, but so is Don Young…..or so we thought.  Turns out that according to Young’s office an imposter has been tweeting weird stuff using the name and image of Don Young, and Palin was briefly taken in and followed the scoundrel on her own Twitter account!  Now that the jig is up, he’s been un-followed.  And on an amusing note, Mudflats, too, was briefly on the governor’s “follow” list and then removed.  Interesting… The Dirty Truth About…

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Ex-ConvicTed Stevens on the Dismissal of His Case.

I thank you very much for letting me join you. I just want to make one comment. When the judge dismissed the case against me, and he said in nearly 25 years on the bench he had never seen anything approaching the mishandling and misconduct it had seen in my case. Judge Sullivan appointed a special prosecutor from outside the government to investigate the original prosecutors. The Department of Justice is appointing its own investigation of the original prosecutors. Because of those investigations of the original prosecutors that is still ongoing, I have taken the decision that I will not…

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“Alaska Fund Trust” – It’s the New SarahPAC!

SarahPAC is so….yesterday.  All the cool kids are now throwing their hard-earned money to Alaska Fund Trust! Campaign Solutions, the Republican consulting firm running the show at SarahPAC has dropped the PAC like a hot potato “parted ways” with Sarah Palin’s political action committee, whose first financial disclosure we can look forward to in June.   This news came the day after an ethics complaint was filed against the governor alleging that the contractual relationship between the Governor and SarahPAC is a violation of the Alaska Executive Branch Ethics Act.  The group had been working with the Palin operation to raise money for SarahPAC…

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Palin Administration Responds to Ethics Complaint. Hopes Constituents Will Face “Backlash”.

The official response to the 12th ethics complaint filed against Governor Palin came in the form of a state issued press release.  The complaint is referred to as “outrageous.” One thing in the press release was particularly disturbing: Mike Nizich, the governor’s chief of staff [said] “I hope that the publicity-seekers will face a backlash from Alaskans who have a sense of fair play and proportion.” What exactly is the “backlash from Alaskans” that Nizich wishes to be leveled at the private citizens who have filed ethics complaints? I know the names of 6 of the filers, and wonder what…

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Ballast and BS, Brought to You By Chevron.

It’s Earth Day, and according to the latest Rasmussen Reports telephone survey, only 31% of American adults believe their fellow countrymen are environmentally aware.  Sounds about right. Fifty-seven percent (57%) of Americans rate Earth Day as at least somewhat important, including 28% for whom it is Very Important.   Yet while most Americans value Earth Day, just 21% plan to do something special to celebrate Earth Day.  I am among the 21%.  I am going to celebrate Earth Day by talking about … water ballast in oil tanks! You just knew I couldn’t let Earth Day pass without talking about Drift…

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WAR and Eddie Burke in the Same Room. (Updated with Notes)

None other than Alaska’s ex-almost-Attorney General Wayne Anthony Ross will be the special guest on KBYR with Eddie “you’re all a bunch of socialist baby-killing maggots”  Burke today. If you’re into some crazy dark energy, tune in! He’s scheduled to be on at 4:00pm Alaska time. (5pm Pacific, 8pm Eastern) You can Listen Live HERE. Annnnd, if you’re feeling brave, you can call in! 907-274-5297 for locals, and toll free  866-610-5297. ************************************************************** Here’s my paraphrasing from notes I took while listening in the car.  You’ll get the idea. Burke welcomed Ross and then a “Breaking News” flash.  The ethics complaint…

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Sarah Palin Out of Touch and Out of Town.

Alaskans are picking themselves up and dusting themselves off today after dodging the bullet that was the appointment of Wayne Anthony Ross for Alaska’s Attorney General.  Relief is the word of the day. There were many factors leading to the demise of this nomination; the fact that he called gays “degenerates” in the Bar Newsletter, the condemnation by every major Native organization, the report of comments that can only be described as sexist and misogynistic at meetings and panel discussions, but the final nail in the coffin for several of those “nay” votes may have been the most awesome “gotcha” moment…

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