Posted by Jeanne Devon on September 7, 2009 · 57 Comments
OK wingnut moms and dads across the nation. Here’s a final word to convince you that you’re doing the right thing by keeping your kids out of school to protest the president telling them to stay in school. Yeah…that’ll show ’em! This spoof is quite hilarious.
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Posted by Jeanne Devon on September 7, 2009 · 91 Comments
OK, everybody… Ready for the big scary indoctrination? Ready for some kind of evil fascist-communist-Democrat-Marxist-eepycreepyist propoganda that will be crammed down the throats of innocent school children turning them into librul slaves of their evil Obamacrat Overlords? Hide the children! They’re about to be told to never give up. They’re about to be encouraged to READ and attend school, and set goals for themselves! They’re about to be reminded of their potential and given inspiring stories of other children who have risen above circumstance and succeeded! Keep them home! Inspiration, hope and a good work ethic is the first step…
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Posted by Jeanne Devon on September 5, 2009 · 103 Comments
I got a hilarious email on Friday about the whole “The President of the United States is going to indoctrinate our children with the love of learning” thing. It was one of those snarky ones that used satire to the extreme to illustrate how truly insane 10% of the country really is. It started off like this: Law-Breaker-in-Chief: Obama Violates Federal Law to Indoctrinate Your Children Washington, DC – In what many analysts believe is both an unprecedented and wildly inappropriate partisan move, President Obama has announced that on Tuesday, September 8, he will do an end run around parents…
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Posted by Jeanne Devon on September 2, 2009 · 102 Comments
Now that the Town Hall meetings in Anchorage are over, and Senator Mark Begich has left the state for Washington D.C., what’s a poor bored wingnut to do? Well, after drumming their fingers for 24 hours, waiting for new marching orders, they’re off and running again. Trying to get everyone health care is bad enough, but behold the latest ‘moral outrage’ that President Obama is inflicting on the poor innocent children according to the conservatives. On Tuesday, September 8th, that man is going to be on the TeeVee, in schools across the nation telling the children that education is important…
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Posted by Jeanne Devon on September 2, 2009 · 336 Comments
Oh boy. Vanity Fair does it again. Get ready for the latest teaser extraordinaire about life in the Palin house after the 2008 election. The world’s most infamous ex-almost-son-in-law has let loose a couple interesting little nuggets of which there promise to be more in the upcoming full article entitled “Me and Mrs. Palin.” “The Palin house was much different from what many people expect of a normal family, even before she was nominated for vice president. There wasn’t much parenting in that house. Sarah doesn’t cook, Todd doesn’t cook—the kids would do it all themselves: cook, clean, do the…
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Category Alaska Legislature, Baffle it, Election 2008, Humor, Sarah Palin, Todd Palin, Whackjobbery · Tags Levi Johnston, Levi Johnston book, Levi Vanity Fair, Palin book, Palin Johnston, Sarah Palin
Posted by Jeanne Devon on August 31, 2009 · 54 Comments
Planned Parenthood in the Mat-Su Valley by John Aronno I’ll start off by answering your question: 15 minutes. 15 minutes is the time that it takes from the moment you sit down at the Planned Parenthood booth, to the moment where an older woman calls you a Nazi and alleges that you kill babies. At least that was my experience. I suppose it takes a lot more time to let sink in the fact that we passed out, easily, forty or fifty condoms to teens in a state that left the rest of the nation in the dust in terms…
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Posted by Jeanne Devon on August 29, 2009 · 93 Comments
[This article is cross-posted at The Huffington Post] What a difference a year makes. A year ago today, after being stunned by McCain’s VP pick, I had finished writing a piece called “What Is McCain Thinking? One Alaskan’s Perspective.” It’s hard to imagine a time when the country was asking “Sarah Who?” but it was only one short year ago. One of the selling features of Sarah Palin was her astronomically high approval ratings in the state of Alaska. After all, how could a governor have positives in the high 80s or low 90s and be anything less than an…
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Category Alaska, Barack Obama, Election 2008, Republicans, Roll your eyes into it, Sarah Palin, Strategery, Todd Palin, Troopergate, Whackjobbery · Tags Andrew Halcro, Barack Obama, Geoffrey Dunn, John McCain, Palin anniversary, Palin bloggers, Palin ethics complaints, Palin media, Palin nomination, Palin Obama, Palin VP pick, Sarah Palin
Posted by Jeanne Devon on August 28, 2009 · 177 Comments
You gotta love John Ziegler (above getting punked by Mudflats mascot Brian the Moose). One year ago today, Sarah Palin was foisted on the unsuspecting public in a mavericky move to top all previous mavericky moves by Senator John McCain, and John Ziegler begame her super dooper #1 fan, happily devoting his life to ride shot-gun in her race to oblivion. After seeing him in person at the screening of his puff-umenatry film on Sarah Palin called Media Malpractice: How Obama got Elected and Palin was Targeted, I left wondering how the half-full theatre in Anchorage Alaska could actually manage to…
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Category Barack Obama, Election 2008, Rallies and Events, Republicans, Sarah Palin, Whackjobbery · Tags Adam Brickley, Alaska bloggers, John Ziegler, Keith Olbermann, Palin bloggers, Sarah Palin, Sarah Palin VP
Posted by Jeanne Devon on August 27, 2009 · 158 Comments
The Glenn Beck Deathwatch has officially begun, and you, the American people are the Death Panel. After calling Barack Obama a “racist,” who has a “deep seated hatred of white people,” advertisers have been dropping him like yesterday’s rubbish. The total is now up to 36 companies who’d rather pretend not to know him. All that elicited the following painful monologue. Well, I’m a recovering alcoholic. I’ve lost everything already one time in my life, but I learned something. I am better and stronger for it. I didn’t need a bailout to get back on my feet. I just needed…
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Posted by Jeanne Devon on August 24, 2009 · 73 Comments
Getting Those Damn Rats Out of Alaska No, not those kind of rats. And not really the whole state…but still, it’s a victory. I’m talking about actual four-legged, snaggle-toothed, beady-eyed, bird-killin’ varmints. The ignominiously named “Rat Island” appears to now be completely rat free. I’ve been following this story for a while, so I was glad to hear that the latest news was good. The down side to the rat eradication is that the poisoned pellets used to kill them also killed gulls and bald eagles in the process. Since Rat Island has been infested with rats for 230 years,…
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Category Bang it, Environment, Roll your eyes into it, Rural Issues, Sarah Palin, Whackjobbery · Tags Alaska Oceans, Carrie Prejean politics, ocean acidification, Palin Prejean, Rat island, Sarah Palin jeans