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Friday, January 28, 2022

If Ignorance is Bliss, Texas Rep. Joe Barton is One Happy Dude

This one is just mind-blowing. Joe Barton (the one who apologized to BP’s Tony Haward for the White House’s “shakedown”) actually asks Energy Secretery Dr. Steven Chu where all that oil in Alaska came from. Barton implies that because oil exists under the Arctic Ocean, then it must have been warmer there once.  Yessirree, the representative from Texas’ 6th district sure done schooled that Nobel Prize winner about “climate change.” If you’re thinking to yourself, “I would have laughed out loud if he’d asked me that question,” you’re not alone. Chu actually did laugh. We can give Mr. Barton one…

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Who’s the Real Peeper? Palin v. Neighbor in New Show for TLC.

Alas, we have been ignoring her but she has not fulfilled her end of the bargain and gone away. Far from it. Last week I received a lovely email invitation from TLC asking me if I’d like to attend an open house event in New York City for bloggers and online media to learn more about Sarah Palin’s Alaska. It was a nice invitation and it assured me that the show was not  “political.”  I passed.  Even I have my limits. I hope I have your forgiveness. Those in attendance were treated to a little extra sneak peak of the…

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APOC Complaint Against Rep. Bill Thomas Campaign (R-Haines)–The response(s).

Back on October 13th, I posted about the APOC Complaint I had filed against the re-election campaign of Representative Bill Thomas, Jr. (above, on the left, with Sen. Al Kookesh, who appears in several of the ads.) The complaint is in response to a newspaper advertising campaign consisting of 12 ads which ran in the Chilkat Valley News during the weeks leading up to the primary election: …Upon further research, it was impossible to determine exactly what category of legal contributions these ads were attempting to fit, if any: James Studley was the one who coordinated the entire ad buy….

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Voices from the Flats – AFN Day 2. Corporations are Not Tribes!

By Elstun Lauesen The most interesting meeting on Day 2 of the AFN Conference was on Village Survival! It wasn’t held at AFN. It wasn’t on the official AFN agenda. It was held miles away from the Carlson Center. It was a government-to-government consultation held with Alaska Tribal Leaders well away from the AFN venue. Mike Williams, Chief of Akiak Yupiit, sobriety advocate and mental health counselor organized the meeting while the Undersecretary for Indian Affairs, Larry Echohawk was in town for AFN. But the nature of the meeting, electric with a sense of urgency, required that the Tribal representatives…

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More Early Voting Hanky-Panky. Poll Observers needed! (UPDATED w/ link)

You may remember this story from AKM on Tuesday: In Homer, apparently, reports were received that each booth had a written list of the write-in candidates posted. This is electioneering, and absolutely illegal. If you see anything irregular when you are early voting, please take a picture of it. The above picture is courtesy of KTVA’s Matt Felling from a message he put out on Twitter. The Alaska Democratic Party was sent this picture by an early voter in Homer who saw the list when he walked into the booth. Sure enough, the list was in all of the booths. …

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Palin Desecrates Flag. Again.

Desecrate the flag once, shame on you! Desecrate the flag twice? Shame on you also, too. Yes, Sarah Palin has taken her big honkin’ Sharpie marker and yes…. autographed a FLAG. The Stars and Stripes is now the Stars, Stripes, and Sarah Scrawls. For supposed uber-patriots, I don’t know whether to be more surprised that someone actually asked her to sign a flag, or that she actually DID. You can see the spectacle at about 1:31 in the clip. This whole flag desecration thing is getting to be quite the persistent metaphor for the entire Palin impression on the nation’s…

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Palin and the Statue of Socialism

We’re back for the third installment of our foray into the dark and bizarre world of the Glenn Beck/Sarah Palin 9/11 rally in Anchorage.  We return to the scene with Palin on stage talking about Beck.   My comments appear in red. The rest is right out of the mouth of the ex-half-governor. *********************** He has such an infectious eagerness to learn and share. He was named one of the most influential people in the world by Time Magazine.  Time Magazine! And you know Glenn and I are big big fans of Time Magazine. (laughter)  But, anyway… he was named and…

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Joe Miller Thinks You’re Not Very Smart.

By Legal Eagle Apparently, Joe Miller doesn’t read The Mudflats.  Or if he does, he skips over my posts because he has already “mastered the law” (insert sarcastic chuckle).  So what is our favorite divorce lawyer saying today?  To paraphrase – screw the Alaska Constitution and Statehood Act, we want our land back! Yes, Mr. Miller still hasn’t learned his lesson (or stopped talking in the third person, but that’s a separate, non-legal issue).  He recently told his hometown paper that despite the inflammatory Teabagger rhetoric that he used during the primary, he’ll request money from the federal government until…

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Speed Hump Consultant? The jokes write themselves…

There is a rumor out there…that in neighborhoods across Anchorage, some who have problems with speeding traffic and have been unable to get “speed humps” (a “traffic calming” solution)  have started to…errrr…improvise with things like traffic cones (see the picture above).  The sad irony is that any unauthorized attempt to try and avoid a tragic accident will be removed by the Municipality. Thanks, Mayor Sullivan. Mudflats fans are aware of the excellent job Jeanne and Shannyn have been doing covering the Municipality of Anchorage “Speed Hump” debacle.   A short wrap-up may help those of you not as familiar with the issue: –A little girl was hit by a car in…

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Voices from the Flats – Sarah Palin’s Oil Regulation Lies

By Geoffrey Dunn Sarah Palin has been busted for so many lies in the past year and a half, it’s become nearly impossible to keep track of them all. Whenever she opens her mouth, she simply cannot stop herself from engaging in duplicities, exaggerations and half-truths that not-so-coincidentally always distort the political record in her favor. It’s a pathology. She did it again this week during a somewhat contentious interview with Bill O’Reilly in which she chastised her Fox News host out the gate: “I kind of have a big beef with you too though, Bill, if you don’t acknowledge…

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