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Friday, January 28, 2022

Why Is Twice-Failed School Board Candidate Bob Griffin Following School Busses?

By Linda Kellen Biegel No, this is not a joke. Bob Griffin, Mayor Sullivan’s candidate for School Board (including personal donations from the Mayor and his wife) even had an encounter with the Anchorage Police School Resource Officers over the whole thing. From a recording of the May 23rd School Board Meeting: Don Smith: The other thing…I understand there was some kind of a school bus study being done by an independent group… Carol Comeau: Do you want me to tell you the story? Don Smith: I’m curious where it’s at now because I’ve been hearing stories that indicate the…

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Happy Dump Day! The Palin Emails are Released… Sort of.

~Fox News’ copies of Palin’s emails, Juneau, AK.  Photo by ‘Mudflatter D.’ By Jeanne Devon Well, the day we’ve been waiting for has arrived. It only took (looks at watch) two years and change. I refer of course to the emails to and from Sarah Palin that were requested by individuals and news organizations to give them some insight into who this virtually unknown vice presidential candidate was – that which is known today as “The Palin Email Dump.” Well, with all the information now out there, I’m retroactively confident in my choice not to have voted for her. Phew….

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Palin’s Paul Revere Gaffe – The Idiocy Tour Continues (VIDEO)

Well, Hurricane Sarah continues its ravaging rampage up the Eastern seaboard. Leaving idiocy, ignorance and alienation in its wake, it continued its relentless path of destruction as it headed for New Hampshire. First, in the nation’s capital, Sarah Palin managed to alienate the organizers of the annual Rolling Thunder motorcycle rally in support of veterans, POWs and those missing in action. Then, she struck New Yorkers in the heart with a fork by desecrating their local customs and humiliating herself by eating pizza with silverware. And let’s not forget the “Statute [sic] of Liberty.” So where is she now?  Boston,…

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Mark Halperin Slurps-up Sarah’s Spoon-fed Spin

  By Linda Kellen Biegel I watched a piece last night on “The Last Word with Lawrence O’Donnell” that was good overall. It was about Palin’s bus-to-nowhere tour: Visit for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy I was pleased that O’Donnell pointed out the potential illegalities involved in using her SarahPAC money, regulated by the Federal Election Committee, on a “family vacation” rather than on a campaign. At one point, he even mentions that the media doesn’t report on such things because frankly they generally don’t understand them. That statement proved to be ironic. O’Donnell then…

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Gotta Know When to Fold ’em – Palin Baffled by East Coast Elite Customs

  So what’s more distasteful to most New Yorkers than Sarah Palin visiting with Donald Trump on her tour through the Big Apple?  As a former resident of the New York City area, I can tell you that this was a faux pas so egregious, so cringe-worthy, so downright embarrassing it has probably lost her a few of the already few votes she’d ever get there. She actually…. she… she… I can hardly say it. (Deep breath and pursed lips) She ate pizza with a knife and fork. Not Chicago-style deep dish pizza – New York style thin crust pizza….

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Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin – Some Insight and an Excerpt!

By Co-Author: Ken Morris Despite being filled with regret for his own actions while serving for nearly four years under candidate and then half-governor Sarah Palin, Frank Bailey came to fear that his former boss remained a voice in American politics. In Blind Allegiance to Sarah Palin, former insider and my co-author Frank Bailey said of his ideals when we first met, “I am still a Fox News Conservative.” Frank went on to explain that Sarah Palin, despite her carefully managed image and “word salad” lip service to conservative ideals, cared little for the smaller government and social values that…

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Palin’s Memorial Day Emissions

The Memorial Day weekend has begun, and Sarah Palin has stepped out to pay tribute to the fallen in black leather and heels. Don’t wince. We can actually celebrate this upward mobility of fashion sense because at least it wasn’t like the last memorial event she attended when she donned a black miniskirt and peep toe pumps on stage. Kudos for improvement. Although the organizers of the annual motorcycle rally ‘Rolling Thunder’ made it clear that she was not invited to speak at the event, she nonetheless held forth with an inspiring tribute to the solemn nature of the day…

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The Bus to Nowhere – Palin Hits the Road

Sarah Palin has a bus. It’s not the one that she unceremoniously hurls her personal and political enemies under, nor the one she flew to via private jet during her book tour for Going Rogue. Like any good Tea Party bus, it comes complete with a giant Constitution on the side. Just in case you didn’t get it, there’s also a redundant “We the People” in gigantic letters on top of the Constitution. Then there’s a One Nation logo, with the ‘A’ as the Liberty Bell, with “One Nation Under God With Liberty and Justice for All” underneath. Then there’s…

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Palin – “The Undefeated”

“Really? You think she’s running?” I’ve been asked this question dozens of times by incredulous-looking people with furrowed brows. Yes. Yes, I do. And today comes the announcement that Sarah Palin, who has been politically written off by anyone who seriously understands how real presidential campaigns are supposed to work; and anyone who is saying to themselves that her numbers are down; and anyone who thinks she doesn’t stand a moose’s chance in September of actually winning, has a “secret weapon.” No it isn’t some kind of magic gas in silver canisters that will be dropped on neighborhoods across America…

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Sarah Palin and Greta Van Susteren – Reflections of a “Hateful Blogger”

By Jeanne Devon She will run, she won’t run, she will, she won’t, she will…   Everyone is weighing in. Everyone is asking. Hints are being dropped. Money is being raked. And yes, I believe that Sarah Palin is getting ready to inflict herself upon the nation once again. The national spotlight beckons to her like yummy brains to a zombie. (Here, you can imagine her doing a robot walk with stiff knees and arms stretched out muttering “Must…Have…Attention…”) But before the official announcement is tweeted to the world, the ‘lamestream’ media must do its due diligence and feel around…

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