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Friday, January 28, 2022

So Long, Sarah! Anchorage Bids Farewell to the Governor.

Well, today was the second-to-last stop on the Quitter Tour.  It was Abdication Eve here in Alaska.  Today at 2pm Alaska time, the governor will officially hand over the state, and all it’s unresolved problems to Lt. Governor Sean Parnell.  He’s known to us here as Caribou Ken, The Empty Suit, Sean Who? and Captain Zero.  What is he going to be like?  We’ll find out. I arrived at the Governor’s Picnic in what I thought would be plenty of time.  Boy was I wrong.  All available parking spaces were taken for what felt like miles around.  I found a lucky empty spot about…

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Shoveling Through Kristan Cole’s Press Release…

Boots?  Check. Shovel?  Check. Aspirin?  Check. Flask?  Check. OK, looks like we’re ready to go on a field trip, and shovel our way through yesterday’s press release from Kristan Cole, trustee for The Alaska Fund Trust (aka Sarah Palin’s legal defense fund).  Stick with me and don’t get separated, or we may never find you in there.  It’s easy to get lost in the histrionics, the whining, and the unrelenting spin.  Ready? First off, we learn that the conclusions reached by Mr. Daniel are “unprecedented in the history of our country.”  Yes, never in 223 years and two weeks has there…

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Hey, Lady! Get a Blog, Already.

Is there such a thing as too much blog material?  Back in the old days before Sarah Palin was on the national scene, I’d cruise around the internet to see what was happening, and when I was stricken with inspiration, I’d create a post.  Sometimes they were long, sometimes short.  Sometimes inspiration came right away, and sometimes I had to look around a while.  I’d hit the Anchorage Daily News, and then maybe Daily Kos or Huffington Post, I’d look at what the other Alaskan Bloggers were doing… I’d zip down my blogroll,  I’d check my email to see what…

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And the Twit Goes On.

Cartoon by Tom Tomorrow 7 days and counting.  One week from today, Sarah Palin will join the ranks of national political celebrities and finally leave our poor little state alone.  Then, she’ll be everyone’s problem – bursting through cracked doors with abandon, electrifying the base, talking to Fox News at will, raking in gobs of money, and … opening a new Twitter account. That’s right, soon-to-be-ex-governor Sarah Palin herself has told us, through her communications medium of choice, Twitter, that she can’t wait until July 26 when she steps down from her position as governor, so she can stop being…

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Palin Flashback. Thoughts on “Thick Skin.”

Sarah Palin on “hurt feelings” from Dennis Zaki on Vimeo. Dennis Zaki recorded this when ex-VP candidate Sarah Palin returned to Alaska from the campaign trail. I was there that night, freezing to death, just across the way from where Dennis was camped out with his camera with the rest of the media. While I was standing next to Sean Parnell, listening to a bunch of rabid Palin fans, clutchhing a cup of hot chocolate to keep from getting frostbite, Dennis got this great clip of Sarah Palin speaking words which now seem particularly amusing.

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Palin’s Milllllions of Dollars!

Part of Palin’s reason for quitting the governorship, so she says, is financial.  Why should the state be spending “million of dollars” in dealing with “frivolous ethics complaints” and frivolous lawsuits and just general…frivolity?  Heck, according to the governor, the frivolity takes up 80% of the administration’s time these days.  And that’s a lot!  Think for a moment what we could be doing with that money.  We could be funding the State Troopers!  No, we haven’t really done that before, but we could do it now.  We could fund teachers!  OK, we wanted to cut that stimulus money for education,…

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Palin Wonders Why Sudden Resignation is Such a “Darn Big Deal?”

After Friday’s stunning announcement that in a few weeks she is quitting the governorship, 18 months before her first term is up, Sarah Palin has gone fishin’. Kate Snow from ABC News has caught up with her near Dillingham, where Palin told her that she didn’t understand why the sudden resignation of a first term sitting governor who is rumored to be a contender for her party’s presidential nominee in the next election cycle is “such a darn big deal.”  Really. You can see the video clip from ABC News HERE. Palin:  Conditions have really changed in Alaska in the…

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What We Have Here…is a Failure to Communicate.

And a new communications director shall be made manifest, and it shall be a bold decision, and his name shall be David Murrow…presumably no relation to Edward R. Back on June 6, “The Ear,” column of the Anchorage Daily News reported the rumor that Murrow was on deck.  Sources say he was offered the job on May 26, and his first day was June 10.   His first action as Palin’s Communications Director was, ironically, NOT announcing his own hire for 19 days and counting.  The Juneau Empire finally has something up. Murrow said he was too busy to talk to…

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Open Thread – A Barbaric Poll

I heard Eddie Burke on the radio Friday, salivating over a cartoon of  bikini-clad governor Palin that appeared in a comic book entitled “Barack the Barbarian.” I was hoping I would never have to see it. But, alas, it hit my in-box.   There she was…a wolf in wolf’s clothing. And lest I be accused of being one-sided….here’s our protagonist. As wrong as this is, the more I thought about it, the more I realized how much worse it could have been. So, as the week draws to a close here in Alaska, I thought we could finish it off with a little…

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Welcome to the Fray.

There’s a bit of sage advice that most politicians take to heart:  Rise above the fray.  President Obama is a great example of how this works.  Sarah Palin and spokeswoman Meg Stapleton are a great example of why the advice exists in the first place, and as we have seen before, they are main characters in yet another cautionary tale. After the now infamous “Divagate” incident, Palin spokeswoman Meg Stapleton issued the following ill-conceived screed: Recently we learned of a malicious desecration of a photo of the Governor and baby Trig that has become an iconic representation of a mother’s…

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