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Friday, January 28, 2022

Palin Blasts Blogger – Again.

Welcome once again to the wacky world of Alaska politics.  When we last left our governor, she was involved in a knock down drag out fight with David Letterman over a crass comment about her daughter getting “knocked up” during a baseball game.  We all know how that turned out, and regardless of which side you were on, or whether you were somewhere in the middle, it was quite a spectacle.  A battle of the Titans.  Former VP candidate and Queen of Alaska Sarah Palin vs. The Undisputed King of Late Night Comedy who can make or break politicians with…

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Brother Can You Spare $600,000?

$600,000. That’s the growing pile of legal debt that Sarah Palin claims to have incurred since last summer. We don’t actually know that for a fact, nor do we know how these legal bills are itemized, or even for whom, because like so many things in the Palin administration,  (leaning over and whispering in your ear) it’s super secret.  But, that’s OK.  We’re not going to worry our pretty little heads about stuff like that. This mountain of debt is blamed, of course, on ethics complaints, and those who file them. “Ohhhh!  They’re trying to bankrupt the governor!  See, none…

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Ziegler’s Folly

Conservative documentary filmmaker John Ziegler was in town to do a special screening of his new film “Media Malpractice – How Obama Got Elected and Palin was Targeted.” It’s been a while since I infiltrated a Palin event, so I decided to slip in and join the festivities. There seemed to be 300ish people there, I’d guess.  I think they’d been hoping for more, as the theatre was only about half full.  Clearly this was the base.  The base of the base. Bob & Mark of the “Bob & Mark Show” were there as emcees.  Eddie Burke was there too,…

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Palin Ethics Complaint Dismissed.

Regarding this latest ethics complaint against Gov. Sarah Palin to be dismissed, filer Andree McLeod says that “her publicly funded partisan and publicly funded state staff and resources for personal partisan political purposes that have nothing to do with the state’s interests and everything to do with her personal, extremely partisan political Washington, D.C., beltway interests.” The Personnel Board disagrees. Here’s part of the latest press release from the governor’s office.  Please note the naming of a private citizen in the title of the release, and the disclosure of the employment history of that private citizen as it relates to state…

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Daily Wrap Up – Showing Some Skin.

Wow.  If there was a theme for the day, it would have to be “skin.”  Who knew there would be enough of it to do a whole wrap-up on the “unwrapped,” as it were. First, the governor herself. (She’s sitting all the way on the right) Seems that the governor had another one of her wardrobe challenged moments.  Standing in front of the closet, on the way to a veterans’ memorial event that commemorated members of the Alaskan military who paid the ultimate price for their country, where hundreds had come, some from thousands of miles away, she chose…. a teeny little…

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The Ghost of Royalties Yet to Come…

Sarah Palin has chosen her ghost writer collaborator.” Who will be writing Palin’s shiny new chapter book? The lucky winner is Lynn Vincent, a conservative Christian who has written or co-written several other books including “Donkey Cons:  Sex, Crime and Corruption in the Democratic Party.”   Oooooo, those Democrats are pretty naughty…  Good thing Republicans don’t engage in that sort of thing.   Oh, wait…..[LINK] Of course, Sarah Palin says she will be writing the book mostly herself, in her own words.  I don’t know how much they are paying Ms. Vincent, but I can tell you right now, it’s not enough….

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Tuesday Catch Up – Down With Nukes, Bedbugs and Flaming Hyperbolic Outrage.

It’s Not Just You Many Alaskans are wondering how on earth they could have voted for Sarah Palin the first time.  Don’t feel bad. Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin can thank Washington lobbyist and political consultant Rick Davis, chief executive officer of John McCain’s 2008 presidential campaign, for being the ultimate pick to become the Republican vice presidential candidate. “It was all his doing. He was completely snowed by Palin,” a source close to Mr. McCain confided to this columnist over the weekend. “He was totally taken by her.” See, it can happen to anyone. Don’t Let the Bedbugs Bite The…

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Palin’s Priorities.

I have to confess, that Mudflats has been in a lower gear than usual this past week.  Maybe it’s the sunshine – that sudden burst of Vitamin D and warmth that makes the world and the fingers seem to slow down.  I’ve got some catching up to do. What’s to say about the whole Miss California thing that hasn’t been said?  We all know she only favors “opposite marriage.”  We know about the breast implants paid for by the pageant, we know about the topless photos, and we know that she and Sarah Palin have a lot in common.  Both are…

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Wasilla High Abstains.

Well, looks like Palin got expelled.  No, not Bristol.  Sarah. Tonight is the graduation ceremony for Wasilla High School, and Bristol Palin is graduating.  This did surprise me a little.  Back when I was a youth, if your hind end was out of the chair for more than 18 days out of the 180 day school year you were toast.  Summer school for you, unless you were dead.  I know that if I had had a baby and accompanied my parents on the campaign trail during the school year, I’d have missed way more than 18 days.  But times change,…

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A Party’s a Party, No Matter How Small.

Oh, don’t we love the drive by cleverness of flyinureye?   I always do a little happy dance when my inbox has a special treat from the Mudflats Graphics Department. Apparently the only one who thinks Palin and her magic branding iron can turn this shrinking elephant into something other than….a shrinking elephant, is Rush Limbaugh. Discussing the Republican listening tour conducted by Former Governors Jeb Bush (FL) and Mitt Romney (MA), and House Minority Whip Eric Cantor, radio talk show host Rush Limbaugh said yesterday that they are “embarrassed” by Sarah Palin. Alaskan progressives, perhaps, have never actually identified with Jeb…

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