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Friday, January 28, 2022

Senate Hopeful Ron Slepecki – Keeping Alaska Safe from the Buddhists?

With the number of uncontested races in Anchorage this election cycle, it surprised me to see someone actually running against Bill Wielechowski, also known as “The Best Bill in Juneau.”  There’s nobody who works harder or more effectively for the benefit of all Alaskans than our favorite Bill. So who is this daring upstart that thinks he can topple Wielechowski? His name is Ron Slepecki, making this race:  “Slepecki vs. Wielechowski” Say that ten times fast. So let’s check out Mr. Slepecki and see what he tells us on his website, and then we’ll look at what he doesn’t tell…

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Palin Humiliated by Bill O’Reilly. “What Would YOU Do?”

OK, Mudflatters…  It’s been a little while since we’ve gone on a group foray into Palin World, but this one I couldn’t resist. This interview was quite something.  The “naughty librarian” is nowhere in sight.  Palin’s latest incarnation is more like the mean librarian.  The one who slams a giant book on the table next to you when she catches you whispering. (Yes, I’m speaking from experience)   Tight-lipped, jaw-clenched, death-stare librarian, complete with the Xtra Large helmet shaped bumpit.  Fair warning.  You’ll find yourself cheering for Bill O’Reilly. I meant to post this last night, but frankly after transcribing into the wee hours of…

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Alaska Personnel Board Runs Off the Rails

It’s kind of like the Runaway Train at Six Flags. You look at it and wonder how on earth it can possibly stay on the rails with all those twists and turns, and then one day, you’re minding your own business, eating your pretzel or cotton candy, and you look up and see the thing come to a bump in the rails, keep right on going, careen over the side, and splash right into the big duck pond. Welcome to the Alaska Personnel Board. You remember them. They’re the 3-member board of Republican governor appointees that said the investigation by the…

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Right Condemns “Day of Service.” (No, I’m Not Kidding)

It’s easy to feel sad today, but it’s good to feel as though sadness is being used to create something helpful and worthwhile.  This is why, back in April, President Obama declared that 9/11 would be a Day of Service to honor the spirit of those that came together to help each other, and many who lost their own lives in service to others eight years ago today.  The idea came from Jay Winuk, whose brother, a corporate lawyer and former volunteer fireman, saw buildings burning and dropped everything to help people out of the tower.  His remains were found…

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Politicizing the Anchorage School District

Now that the Town Hall meetings in Anchorage are over, and Senator Mark Begich has left the state for Washington D.C., what’s a poor bored wingnut to do? Well, after drumming their fingers for 24 hours, waiting for new marching orders, they’re off and running again. Trying to get everyone health care is bad enough, but behold the latest ‘moral outrage’ that President Obama is inflicting on the poor innocent children according to the conservatives.  On Tuesday, September 8th, that man is going to be on the TeeVee, in schools across the nation telling the children that education is important…

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A Year of Sarah Palin. What a Long, Strange Trip It’s Been.

[This article is cross-posted at The Huffington Post] What a difference a year makes. A year ago today, after being stunned by McCain’s VP pick, I had finished writing a piece called “What Is McCain Thinking? One Alaskan’s Perspective.”  It’s hard to imagine a time when the country was asking “Sarah Who?” but it was only one short year ago. One of the selling features of Sarah Palin was her astronomically high approval ratings in the state of Alaska. After all, how could a governor have positives in the high 80s or low 90s and be anything less than an…

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The Palin Notification Act.

Please join Governor SARAH PALIN & nationally known conservative STAR PARKER Thursday, August 27th 7:30pm at Change Point Church Anchorage The Alaskans for Parental Rights campaign was developed to return to parents the right to oversee abortion decisions their underage teenage daughters might be unfortunately considering. ******************************** So says the notice from Change Point Church, one of Anchorages 2 mega-churches that will be pushing hard for the Parental Notification act.  This announcement has appeared all over the internet, far and wide – state blogs, national blogs, Palin blogs, you name it.  I’ve known about this appearance for days now.  Apparently…

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Odds and Ends

Getting Those Damn Rats Out of Alaska No, not those kind of rats.  And not really the whole state…but still, it’s a victory.  I’m talking about actual four-legged, snaggle-toothed, beady-eyed, bird-killin’ varmints.  The ignominiously named “Rat Island” appears to now be completely rat free.  I’ve been following this story for a while, so I was glad to hear that the latest news was good.  The down side to the rat eradication is that the poisoned pellets used to kill them also killed gulls and bald eagles in the process. Since Rat Island has been infested with rats for 230 years,…

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Boots on the Ground in Fairbanks – Sarah Palin’s Quitspeech

I was very pleased to have some great “boots on the ground” in Fairbanks for Sarah Palin’s big Quitspeech at Quitfest on Quittyday.  Thank you to Mudflatter Alaska Don who did a fabulous job reporting! There are also more pictures coming to entertain you later from other Mudflats “photobloggers.”  Truly this was a day and a speech that will live in infamy. ********************* July 26th, 2009. Abdication Day. The sun rose north by northeast of Fairbanks today at 4:30 AM, having set in the north by northwest last night shortly after 11:30 PM. It was mostly clear, with billowing dark…

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Palin’s Farewell Address – Full Transcript

Sunday July 26, at 3pm Alaska time, Governor Sarah Palin stepped down from her position as governor.  This is the transcript of her farewell address. Yup, I took one for the team. It took three hours, but I made it. I’d been meaning to transcribe her rambling crazy “I’m not quitting, I’m just leading in another direction” lakeside babble-fest, but I never seemed to get around to it. And as crazy and rambling as that one was, I think this one is even better. Boots on the ground from Fairbanks coming soon! *************************** What an absolutely beautiful day it is,…

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