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Friday, January 28, 2022

Mark Begich on the Public Option, the Kennedy Legacy, and Being Bold.

~~~Mark Begich at his June Anchorage Town Hall Meeting on health care, calling on a constituent who actually raised her hand to speak.  Ah, those were the days. I’m going to confess right now, that after 2/3 of a term of Gov. Sarah Palin, and a vice presidential run, and all the Twittering Facebooking adventures of the last year, I thought if I ever heard the word “bold” again come out of the mouth of an Alaska politician, I was going to run screaming into the hills, or smash myself in the head with a brick.  So nobody was more surprised…

Fun at MSNBC – Shannyn Takes Manhattan and Rachel Bites Brian?!

I got to tag along on a great trip to MSNBC the other day.  Shannyn Moore, who was my traveling companion and roomie at the Netroots Nation conference and beyond, was asked to be a guest on Countdown with Keith Olbermann while we were in the Big Apple. So off we went to the studio.  It was a huge, beautiful facility, and it was fun listening to Shannyn compare the studios in Anchorage with this one.  It was quite amazing and huge.   We posed for our photo ID at the entrance, and were escorted upstairs for a quick tour of the…

“Just-A-Mud PAC” Pledge Drive!

What happens when you cross Just a Girl from Homer, Mudflats, and a trip to Netroots Nation? A “Just-A-Mud PAC” pledge drive! Well, it’s not exactly public radio, but we do have very public blogs, and they’re commercial free! No pop-up ads! Today, Mudflats and Just a Girl From Homer, are announcing the beginning of our first ever pledge drive which will feature a “Just-a-Mud Party” fundraising shindig on Saturday night, complete with live blogging immediately following The Shannyn Moore Show on KBYR from 5-7pm Alaska time! We are posting the adult beverage selections we’ll be enjoying, so you can…

Palin’s Parting Gift to Alaska – Another Constitutional Crisis. Gee, Thanks.

What is there to say?  You do what you know.  And Sarah Palin knows constitutional crises. Let’s look back at some of the highlights… Remember back when former Attorney General Talis Colberg suggested to state employees that it was OK to ignore legislative subpoenas in the Troopergate probe?  He was really careful when questioned to say that he didn’t actually tell them not to testify, he merely pointed out that testifying was sort of an “option.”  This set off a storm of protest from…well…anyone who knows anything about what a subpoena is. At odds with the legislature, the posture of…

The Voice Speaks – Van Flein Whiffs

The source of all the RUMORS about strange dealings with the Palin family, the Wasilla Sports Complex and the Palin house in Wasilla that was built by Todd Palin and some contractor “buddies” all sourced back to an article last October that appeared in the Village Voice.  Well now….the Voice speaks.  (I love that)  There reflections on the latest Palin flailin’ is an article entitled: Palin’s Team Takes Swing at Voice, Whiffs. Sarah Palin attorney Thomas Van Flein spent his July 4 in Fairbanks, Alaska, issuing a four-page statement warning news organizations not to investigate allegations printed by the Voice last…

Shannyn Moore in Palin’s Crosshairs.

[A similar piece is up on The Huffington Post.  This one is just for Mudflatters] Just when you thought you’d seen the back end of him, he returns;  one of our favorite characters here at the Mudflats.  I refer, of course, to Sarah Palin’s personal attorney, and the man in Alaska with the most dastardly sounding bad guy name ever:  Thomas Van Flein.  I put his last name in bold italics to remind you to pronounce it with a dastardly accent.  I still don’t actually know what he looks like, but for our purposes in the past, we have imagined…

Interesting Developments…

What a weekend.  Visions of hanging out at barbecues, drinking a glass of wine, lazing in the sun…. all vanished. The second biggest bombshell in recent Alaska political history hit us on Friday afternoon.  Sarah Palin resigned, and plans were cancelled, and Alaska bloggers faithfully but begrudgingly returned to their keyboards, and microphones.  Alaska blogger Shannyn Moore also appeared with David Schuster on MSNBC Friday night to talk about the latest developments. That’s when the soon-to-be-ex-governor went off the rails.  A press release was issues, and has gotten picked up by the national media.  The strange events that follow are the…

Shannyn Moore on Ron Reagan Today!

Tune in today to Ron Reagan on Air America to hear Shannyn Moore. She’ll be talking about the David Letterman debacle, the gas line and more. Use this thread to comment during the show, and wish Shannyn a Happy Birthday! Tune in HERE and click on the “Listen Live” link on the left  for live streaming of Air America. Shannyn will be on just after 4:00pm Alaska time (5pm Pacific, 8pm Eastern).

Palin Matchmakes for a Gas Line

By Shannyn Moore Governor Sarah Palin is sleeping with the enemy of many Alaskans. Her trip to Houston, Texas to discuss a merged project with TransCanada and Exxon Mobil betrays Alaskans still reeling from last year’s devastating Supreme Court verdict. It flies in the face of anyone with a memory of 20 years let alone last June. Exxon promised to “make Alaskans whole” and they never did; just another broken promise piled on top of all the others. Last year, Palin’s AGIA (Alaska Gasline Inducement Act) passed into law, awarding TransCanada $500 million in state funds to build the 1,700…

Bloggers on the Bus, and in the Bowl

Tune in today to KBYR 700am today (5-7pm) to hear Shannyn Moore talk to Eric Boehlert, author of the new book “Bloggers on the Bus – How the Internet Changed Politics and the Press!”  I was at work the other day when the mailman came in and handed me the usual stack of bills and junk mail, with the addition of a big brown padded envelope.  “What’s this?” I thought, raising an eyebrow.  It’s been my experience that brown padded envelopes are usually a good thing.  And this time proved to be no exception. Inside was my very own copy…