Legislative Session Required to Confirm New Alaska Lt. Governor. Isn’t That ‘Special?’
Legal opinion is in, and a special session of the Alaska state legislature looms. Yup, that means that in all likelihood, this pack of hearty souls who have had to endure what must have felt like the longest gubernatorial partial term in the history of ever….isn’t done yet. The Commissioner of the Department of Corrections who, for some reason, was chosen and accepted the #3 spot in gubernatorial succession has decided he’d rather not have the job of Lt. Governor after all. Not that anyone necessarily blames him. Even he recognizes that Sarah Palin’s former high school buddy suddenly plopped in…
The Fish Story Gets Fishier… (UPDATED)
For those of you keeping up with the ‘fish story’ coming out of Emmonak, check out Kyle Hopkins’ Village blog. Here is my ‘reduced’ version of how I imagine the scene in the governor’s spokeswoman’s office. But do read the whole thing HERE. Read as a monologue, with Kyle Hopkins providing the voice on the phone. ******************************************** (Sitting alone in office, the spokeswoman claps her hands together, rubbing them vigorously) The news is good! It’s so good they won’t dare report it! Haha! That CNN reporter will have egg on his face now. : ) (spins around on swiveling office…
Vanity Fair on Palin. Let the Skewering Begin.
I have been besieged with emails, Facebook messages, and blog comments asking for my impressions of the Vanity Fair piece that appeared today entitled “It Came from Wasilla.” Basically, the article was a whole lot of what we already knew, skillfully brought together, and topped off with some more interesting McCain staffer revelations from the campaign trail. I would have loved to hear more about Palin’s religious intrigue, a topic that has been discussed, but has never gotten the traction in the national media as some of her other dimensions. We may be hearing more of this, now that we…
“The Hell With Sarah Palin” – An Update from Emmonak
Last week Governor Sarah Palin sent a series of messages from her Twitter account regarding the subsistence fishing situation in Western Alaska. “Good news!” we were told. AKGovSarahPalinGood update re Rural Advisor John Moller’s recnt Emmonak trip, great news he reports; we’ll twitter assuming press won’t pick up good news.about 3 hours ago from TwitterBerry John Moller was in the Western Alaskan village of Emmonak to discuss the topic on everyone’s mind – salmon. Salmon are the primary subsistence food, and primary income source for residents of the Lower Yukon River. Big problems, starting with the mismanagement of fisheries have caused…
Update from Eagle Alaska – Rebuilding After the Flood
Here’s an update from Yukonbushgrndma, the Mudflatter who lives in Eagle, Alaska, right on the Yukon River. Her home was badly damaged in the flood, and she has been working hard to rebuild, as are so many others who have suffered devastating losses. The Mudflats community has been making donations via paypal to the “Rebuild Eagle Fund” which has, so far collected $14,600. We also purchased a pressure washer and accessories to help residents in the restoration. Hope, another Mudflatter from the Kenai Penninsula, rounded up two truckloads of donations and supplies and drove all the way to Eagle with…
Twit, Twitter Twitterer. News from Emmonak.
Gee whiz! Think the governor has “issues” with a certain Dennis Zaki traveling to Emmonak? Remember, there was a big dust-up when Dennis filmed Palin’s introduction to speaker Michael Reagan when he was in town. Radio talk show host Eddie Burke and others questioned his credentials. Well, question no more. In the rapid-fire series of tweets below, you’ll see that via Twitter (aka the unofficial-official Palin news source) he has been referred to as, and I quote … “CNN reporter.” I’m sure Dennis will feel all validated now. And behold the rest of this 1-2-3 Tweetsnark! AKGovSarahPalinJohn also met w/CNN…
Alaska Civics 101 With Rep. Berta Gardner.
I made it a point to roust myself this morning to go hear Representative Berta Gardner give a talk at the Unitarian Universalist Forum. She was there to talk about the legislature, and her talk was fascinating and very well received. The thing I liked about it was that she was able to explain, in layman’s terms, what actually goes on in the “legislative bubble” that is Juneau, from a Democratic perspective. She is charming, and intelligent, and speaks from the heart. She talked from a place of both idealism and pragmatism, the two “isms” that often enter into an uneasy…
Alaska and Exxon – A Romance Rekindled.
It’s been a while since we’ve had a good episode of Mudflats Theatre. This one’s a romance, although I don’t know if it’s a good “date night” movie. The scene opens in the bedroom. (I promise, this is rated G….well….PG) We see a couple in bed. They are wrapped in a sheet. She’s nestled in the crook of his arm. The scene seems peaceful, and we understand immediately that there is a bond between these two lovers. There is a story here. “Mmmmm. What are you thinking?” she asks, in a sort of dreamy soothing voice. “Oh…I don’t know. It’s…
President Obama Declares Flood Disaster in Alaska
Good news today for those impacted by the historic flooding in interior Alaska. President Obama has officially declared a disaster, making it possible for those in need to seek federal assistance. I know that several state and federal agencies have been working hard to cross the Ts and dot the Is so this could be possible. Here’s hoping the news brightens the spirits of those who have lost so much. “I am pleased the president and his administration are recognizing the dire circumstances experienced by many Alaskans impacted by this flooding. We welcome the federal assistance to help residents and…
Palin, the Pipeline, and Exxon
Rumors were circulating last night, but it looks like its going to be official. Palin tweeted about her conversations with Alaska’s congressional delegation and the need to flow Alaska’s gas to “hungry markets,” and guess who’s going to help? The pipeline company TransCanada announced today that it has an agreement with Exxon Mobil Corporation to work together on an natural gas pipeline from Alaska to the Lower 48. “We are pleased that TransCanada and ExxonMobil have reached agreement on initial project terms to progress this exciting initiative,” Hal Kvisle, TransCanada president and chief executive officer, said in a written statement….