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Friday, January 28, 2022

Palin’s Legal Defense Fund Has a Milk Moustache.

The amazing shape-shifting, now you see it – now you don’t Sarah Palin Legal Defense Fund is coming soon….we think. Last week some guy from Texas started one because Bill O’Reilly said he’d give money to it.  Palin mouthpiece Meghan Stapleton was quick to come out with a statement disavowing it, and saying that they wanted nothing to do with this rogue fund, and that everyone should wait for the “official” fund. Then, SarahPAC put up a notice saying “Thanks, but no thanks” to donations, and to wait for the Legal Defense Fund. “At this time, we ask you to…

Palin Urges South Carolinians to Vote for “Egotistical Narrow-Minded Machine Goon”

Was Sarah Palin’s proclamation, “If I were in South Carolina, I’d vote for Newt” really an endorsement, or just her attempt to keep the wounded elephant that is the current presidential GOP lineup limping forward as far as possible before it collapses under the weight of its own unelectability? Correspondence from Palin seems to indicate the latter. During Palin’s VP candidacy, her relationship with Newt Gingrich was tumultuous at best. Emails sent on Palin’s Yahoo! account while she was governor, which (despite being in the hands of the state of Alaska) have never been made available to the public, reveal…

Odds and Ends – Cabbage, Landfill, Venom and Mud.

Pass the Slaw! Those long summer days always make the giant vegetable exhibit at the Alaska State Fair interesting.  This year was even more exciting than usual…if you consider staring at giant vegetables exciting. A world record green cabbage tipped the scales at 125.9 pounds, with a 21-inch diameter head, and a leaf span of about 5 feet. In the shadow of the giant cabbage was another world record breaker, an 82.9 pound rutabega. Dump da Dump Dump… The City of Emmonak is about to receive a $3.2 million loan and a $1.4 million grant from stimulus money to construct…

Levi Johnston on Palin’s Resignation

To the surprise of many, Levi Johnston has more than once proved to be the most level-headed person in the room when it comes to many of the trials and tribulations of Sarah Palin and her daughter Bristol. So it’s interesting to hear what he has to say. Remember that Levi says he was living with the Palin family from early December through mid-January. They say he wasn’t. He says he had all his stuff there and slept there.  They say he wasn’t living there.  He says, yeah…whatever. Levi decided to pipe up today and give us the reason he…

Shannyn Moore in Palin’s Crosshairs.

[A similar piece is up on The Huffington Post.  This one is just for Mudflatters] Just when you thought you’d seen the back end of him, he returns;  one of our favorite characters here at the Mudflats.  I refer, of course, to Sarah Palin’s personal attorney, and the man in Alaska with the most dastardly sounding bad guy name ever:  Thomas Van Flein.  I put his last name in bold italics to remind you to pronounce it with a dastardly accent.  I still don’t actually know what he looks like, but for our purposes in the past, we have imagined…

Vanity Fair on Palin. Let the Skewering Begin.

I have been besieged with emails, Facebook messages, and blog comments asking for my impressions of the Vanity Fair piece that appeared today entitled “It Came from Wasilla.” Basically, the article was a whole lot of what we already knew, skillfully brought together, and topped off with some more interesting McCain staffer revelations from the campaign trail.  I would have loved to hear more about Palin’s religious intrigue, a topic that has been discussed, but has never gotten the traction in the national media as some of her other dimensions. We may be hearing more of this, now that we…

Palin Blasts Blogger – Again.

Welcome once again to the wacky world of Alaska politics.  When we last left our governor, she was involved in a knock down drag out fight with David Letterman over a crass comment about her daughter getting “knocked up” during a baseball game.  We all know how that turned out, and regardless of which side you were on, or whether you were somewhere in the middle, it was quite a spectacle.  A battle of the Titans.  Former VP candidate and Queen of Alaska Sarah Palin vs. The Undisputed King of Late Night Comedy who can make or break politicians with…

Brother Can You Spare $600,000?

$600,000. That’s the growing pile of legal debt that Sarah Palin claims to have incurred since last summer. We don’t actually know that for a fact, nor do we know how these legal bills are itemized, or even for whom, because like so many things in the Palin administration,  (leaning over and whispering in your ear) it’s super secret.  But, that’s OK.  We’re not going to worry our pretty little heads about stuff like that. This mountain of debt is blamed, of course, on ethics complaints, and those who file them. “Ohhhh!  They’re trying to bankrupt the governor!  See, none…

Should Anonymous Free Speech Apply to….THEM??

I have not often written about other blogs, and I don’t think I’ve ever written about a conservative blog or blogger, but I’m about to. There was an article in the Fairbanks Daily News Miner about the aptly named blog Conservatives4Palin. Let me be on the record when I say that I generally disagree with everything I find on Conservatives4Palin, including the name. Frankly, if it were me, I’d lose the “4”. It reminds me of Toys R Us, which bugs me too. I think if you’re going to spell something, spell it.   But I digress. So, my disagreement with…