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Friday, January 28, 2022

Palin on GOP – They Turned Me into a Newt! Again.

To truly appreciate the latest incident between the Republican Party and Governor Sarah Palin, it’s helpful to take a moment to refresh our memories. I posted a while backabout the strange and devolving relationship between Sarah Palin and the GOP when it comes to “making dates”.  Here’s a quick recap. First Palin says she can’t speak at the GOP winter retreat because she’s got homework in Alaska, and then shows up that same night at the Alfalfa Club Dinner across town in D.C.  Then she commits to speak at the CPAC convention, confirms, and then cancels.  Now, she’s all set…

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Palin is Pallin’ Around With Plagiarists?

Todd Palin, that is.  That’s because the plagiarist is none other than the Governor, herself. Geoffrey Dunn over at Huffington Post read my transcript of Palin’s 17 minute introduction of Michael Reagan, and a little bell went off in his head.  He had a strange feeling he’d heard all this somewhere before…..(except in English)….. (insert harp music here, as things get all blurry) I realized I had read some of this before. So I tracked down the original Gingrich-Shirley article, “Republicans Need to Relearn Lessons of the Reagan Revolution” which appeared in the Union Leader, November 1, 2005, and is also online….

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I’ll Take Palin Fibs and Fables for $200, Alex.

“The feds.”  It’s a slang term that most of us are used to seeing after the words “seized by” or before the words “raided the house.”   It’s never said with respect or fondness.   Rarely do you hear someone say “the feds are trying to give me money,”  or “the feds want to weatherize my house.”  And never have I heard a governor of one of the 50 states, that is actually part of the country, call the federal government “the feds.”  I would no more expect that than I would expect to hear them talk about “the fuzz” or “the coppers.” But…

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What a Twit.

Way to spoil a surprise. More comedy gold from Sarah Palin’s Twitter account. She’s gone and blown it. Via Lindsay at Videogum comes the news that Alaska Governor Sarah Palin bleated out a tweet on her Twitter that seems to have revealed the heavily, and comedically, guarded actual destination of Stephen Colbert’s upcoming trip to the Persian Gulf. So, SPOILER ALERT: Getting ready to tape shout-out for our awesome US troops serving overseas! Will be on ‘Colbert Report’ next month, broadcast from Iraq… Yes, so Colbert is going to…uhm…Iraq! Which is really great for the troops stationed there! But it…

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Ziegler’s Folly

Conservative documentary filmmaker John Ziegler was in town to do a special screening of his new film “Media Malpractice – How Obama Got Elected and Palin was Targeted.” It’s been a while since I infiltrated a Palin event, so I decided to slip in and join the festivities. There seemed to be 300ish people there, I’d guess.  I think they’d been hoping for more, as the theatre was only about half full.  Clearly this was the base.  The base of the base. Bob & Mark of the “Bob & Mark Show” were there as emcees.  Eddie Burke was there too,…

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Speaking Up.

There’s a moving op ed piece in today’s Anchorage Daily News.  Grace Jang, a Korean-American journalist had an encounter with none other than right wing talk show host Eddie Burke, Governor Palin’s golden boy, and unofficial mouthpiece for the administration.  It didn’t go well. On May 18, my photographer and I are invited to a conservative radio talk show to get behind-the-scenes video of a debate on a divisive issue. We accept. As a Korean-American journalist, I recently found myself an unwitting part of a disturbing story. The radio station has two guests whose views differ from the host. It is…

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Palin Ethics Complaint Dismissed.

Regarding this latest ethics complaint against Gov. Sarah Palin to be dismissed, filer Andree McLeod says that “her publicly funded partisan and publicly funded state staff and resources for personal partisan political purposes that have nothing to do with the state’s interests and everything to do with her personal, extremely partisan political Washington, D.C., beltway interests.” The Personnel Board disagrees. Here’s part of the latest press release from the governor’s office.  Please note the naming of a private citizen in the title of the release, and the disclosure of the employment history of that private citizen as it relates to state…

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Daily Wrap Up – Showing Some Skin.

Wow.  If there was a theme for the day, it would have to be “skin.”  Who knew there would be enough of it to do a whole wrap-up on the “unwrapped,” as it were. First, the governor herself. (She’s sitting all the way on the right) Seems that the governor had another one of her wardrobe challenged moments.  Standing in front of the closet, on the way to a veterans’ memorial event that commemorated members of the Alaskan military who paid the ultimate price for their country, where hundreds had come, some from thousands of miles away, she chose…. a teeny little…

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Rural Update – Flooding on the Y/K – Hope Truck Leaves FRIDAY!

By the time the National Weather Service called off its flood warning for Emmonak and other Lower Yukon River villages Tuesday, breakup flooding had soaked a total of roughly 40 communities along more than 3,000 miles of rivers, according to the state. Gov. Sarah Palin sent a letter to President Obama Monday asking the him to declare a “major disaster” in Alaska — a move that could send cash to local governments and households. Ann Strongheart, a resident of the village of Nunam Iqua on the lower Yukon says that breakup started there last night, and that the village is fortunately experiencing…

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Lunch with Labor and Lattes with the Legislature!

Today from 11:30 – 1:30, Anchorage union members are hosting a picnic to encourage Senator Lisa Murkowski to support the Employee Free Choice Act.  Attendees will sign petitions and make phone calls to the Senator to encourage her to support the Act. In a strange case of “go figure,”  Congressman Don Young who sponsors the EFCA will be in attendance at the picnic. All union members and their families are invited to attend. The picnic will be held in the parking lot of Laborers International Union 341 (LIUNA), 2501 Commercial Drive, Anchorage, AK (In case of rain, the picnic will…

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