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Friday, January 28, 2022

The $65,000 Question is On Sale! Want Some?

That’s right, the Palin’s $64,000 has been price slashed! Remember a few weeks ago when government watchdog Linda Kellen Biegel sent a records request to the state?  She asked for copies of emails sent between members of the administration and right-wing radio shock jock Eddie Burke, and Anchorage Daily News gossip columnist Sheila Toomey, including emails which target Alaska resident and vocal critic of the governor, Andree McLeod. The reason for the request stems from Palin’s Chief of Staff Mike Nizich who, in an official state press release, stated: “I hope that the publicity-seekers will face a backlash from Alaskans…

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Oyster Roundup!

Thick and fast, they came at last, and more and more and more! – Lewis Carroll Be There for Health Care I’ve had a few people ask me where Mark Begich stands on including a public option in the new healthcare plan.  The answer is….I’m not sure.  But you have an opportunity to raise your voice with the more than 75% of Americans who want a public option.  Senator Begich will have a Health Care Reform Town Hall Meeting tomorrow, Saturday, June 20, from 10:30 to noon at the Willa Marston Theatre in the Loussac Library. Grassroots outcry for a…

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As if One Wasn’t Enough…..Meet Dan Sullivan.

Rep. Lindsay Holmes was the featured guest on today’s Demo Memo on KUDO 1080am.  Kathy Phillips asked what she thinks of the new AG nominee, Dan Sullivan.  Holmes has heard some concerns from members of the Alaska Bar.  Apparently there are some mumblings like “Couldn’t you find someone who’s actually living here?”  Kind of a “What are we, chopped liver?” vibe. I’ll add to their griping by pointing out that there are now two Dan Sullivans in Alaska’s small pantheon; Dan Sullivan the incoming mayor, and now Dan Sullivan the Attorney General nominee.   I don’t know how everyone will deal…

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Palin Won’t Release Amount of Gifts Because It’s a Secret! Shhhhh…..

It an amazing display of a different kind of “don’t ask, don’t tell,”  the Palins when asked to disclose how much the gifts Todd Palin receives from Arctic Cat (his sponsor for the Iron Dog snowmachine race) are worth, and they replied with silence.  They “can’t” tell us.  (looking around furtively and whispering in your ear)  It’s a secret. That’s right, gifts which could, according to sources, be worth in excess of $20,000 for the year 2008 alone are a “trade secret” according to the governor’s personal attorney, Thomas Van Flein.  These gifts include snowmachine(s) and “any discounts offered on wear.”  …

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Sexism and Free Market Comedy.

The following press release was issued today.  Read it first, and we’ll all join up afterward for a big helping of irony. Sen. Menard and Rep. Fairclough angered by Letterman joke, encourage apology to all women. Wasilla, AK, June 15, 2009 – Alaska Senator Linda Menard and Alaska Representative Anna Fairclough today expressed their concerns regarding CBS comedian David Letterman’s sexually exploitative comments regarding Governor Sarah Palin’s young daughter, and his refusal to apologize not only to the Palin family, but to a nation of women he offended. “I have been watching this progress for nearly a week and still…

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Palin’s “Hungry Markets” Not So Hungry. (Updated – Andrew Halcro Weighs In)

In several recent interviews, Governor Sarah Palin has told the country about the importance of getting “Alaska’s rich natural resources to hungry markets” in the Lower 48.   And she’s been celebrating a new alliance between Trans-Canada Corp., and Exxon to build Alaska’s huge $26 billion dollar gas pipe line project. In light of all this buzz, it was interesting that an article just came out in The Financial Post, with the ominous title “Demand for Arctic Gas Dries Up.” The North American natural gas industry is “overbuilt,” pointing to weak prices for a long time, said [Steve] Letwin, Houston-based executive…

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Shannyn Moore on Ron Reagan Today!

Tune in today to Ron Reagan on Air America to hear Shannyn Moore. She’ll be talking about the David Letterman debacle, the gas line and more. Use this thread to comment during the show, and wish Shannyn a Happy Birthday! Tune in HERE and click on the “Listen Live” link on the left  for live streaming of Air America. Shannyn will be on just after 4:00pm Alaska time (5pm Pacific, 8pm Eastern).

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President Obama Declares Flood Disaster in Alaska

Good news today for those impacted by the historic flooding in interior Alaska. President Obama has officially declared a disaster, making it possible for those in need to seek federal assistance. I know that several state and federal agencies have been working hard to cross the Ts and dot the Is so this could be possible. Here’s hoping the news brightens the spirits of those who have lost so much. “I am pleased the president and his administration are recognizing the dire circumstances experienced by many Alaskans impacted by this flooding. We welcome the federal assistance to help residents and…

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Palin, the Pipeline, and Exxon

  Rumors were circulating last night, but it looks like its going to be official. Palin tweeted about her conversations with Alaska’s congressional delegation and the need to flow Alaska’s gas to “hungry markets,” and guess who’s going to help? The pipeline company TransCanada announced today that it has an agreement with Exxon Mobil Corporation to work together on an natural gas pipeline from Alaska to the Lower 48. “We are pleased that TransCanada and ExxonMobil have reached agreement on initial project terms to progress this exciting initiative,” Hal Kvisle, TransCanada president and chief executive officer, said in a written statement….

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Ziegler’s Folly II – UPDATED With Letterman’s Response to Palin Joke Kerfuffle

Ah, that’s our Ziggy. Contessa Brewer at MSNBC had John Ziegler on today to discuss David Letterman’s tasteless jokes about Sarah Palin and her daughter. He, apparently had a different agenda. He seemed more interested in using the time to insult Brewer, rail on MSNBC, whine about the media, jab at Keith Olbermann, and demonstrate for us all “How to Burn Your Bridges and Never Be Invited Back to a Network Ever Again.” Brilliant PR work. This is exactly what he was like during the screening of his documentary here in Anchorage…even to people who were trying to be complimentary…

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