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Friday, January 28, 2022

Thursday’s Shannyn Moore Show on BlogTalkRadio

Discover Politics Progressive Internet Radio with The Shannyn Moore Show on BlogTalkRadio Here’s your homework for the tonight! Begich blasts attack ad featuring actress pretending to be Alaskan Oklahoma Drops National Guard Benefits For All Couples To Avoid Serving Same-Sex Couples Swiss outrage over executive pay sparks a movement in Europe California Pastor Flips Out Over Costco Filing Bible Under ‘Fiction’

Death Threats, Swear Words and Hostage Negotiations… Alaska’s Republicans on Social Media

Sen. Lisa Murkowski and Rep. Don Young are both in an odd position during the government shutdown – both oppose ‘ObamaCare,’ but not enough for the crazies in their party. Nothing outside of strapping c4 to your body with a dead mans trigger is enough for them. But at the same time, they’re staying the Republican course and not speaking out against the extremists with whom they share their representative bodies, and trying to figure out how to shift the blame to the other party. It’s not working well for them, and their social media pages are showing it. I’ve had…

Poll: “Alaskans want Sarah Palin to Run,” Alaskans: UM, NO.

Another week, another set of polls concerning the Alaska Senate race. Last week PPP polled Sen. Begich, this week it’s a poll on the Republican primary ticket… and it’s a bit surprising. Sarah Palin wins the Republican Senate nomination. For those outside of Alaska you might be thinking, “duh… of course.” But for those in the state it’s common knowledge that not too many people are a huge fans Palin, who has come to be known as “the quitter” or the “half-term governor.” In fact she’s so disliked here that according to a PPP poll in February she would lose to Hillary…

Blinded Me with Science: Begich Town Hall Videos

Alaska Senator Mark Begich discussed issues ranging from guns, to veterans benefits. to the 800-pound gorilla in the room – Pebble Mine – in a town hall May 1st. Out of the 50 or so attending the open Q&A with the Senator, roughly half of them were wearing either a “No Pebble” button or sticker. Attendees of the town hall were not pleased with Sen. Begich’s “let’s wait for the science to come in”  responses to Pebble Mine concerns. Sen. Begich also discussed plans to help veterans work through the problems at the Veterans Administration, and saving a local landmark from…

UPDATE: Begich & Murkowski Down in Polling – Begich Office Responds

UPDATE: A Sen. Begich Office spokesperson got back to TheMudflats with this statement on the PPP polling: “Leading up to the Senate vote, the vast majority of Alaskans who contacted our office were asking Senator Begich to protect Alaskans’ 2nd amendment rights. Hearing their concerns and staying consistent with his long-held position, Senator Begich told Alaskans from the start that while there are things we can do to keep our communities safe, the Manchin-Toomey proposal was not the best approach.” [Below was posted earlier Monday the 29th] While no Alaskan polling firm has come out with data on the effect…

WATCH: Colbert Calls Begich a Hero

Last night, The Colbert Report responded to the defeat in the Senate of the Manchin-Toomey Amendment in an extremely funny segment that once again brought Alaska into the spotlight. Colbert called Alaska’s Democratic Senator, Mark Begich, a “hero” saying: “Despite relentless pressure from special interest grieving parents, 45 Brave Senators stood tall to protect what they find most precious, the A rating from the NRA. “The heroes were not just Republicans, 4 brave Democrats joined in, including Alaskan Senator Mark Begich, who celebrated his vote to kill background checks saying ‘It’s dangerous to do any type of policy in an emotional…

UPDATE: Bloomberg’s Cash Goes after Mark Begich – Doesn’t Sway AK Senators

UPDATE: Alaskan Senators Mark Begich (D) and Lisa Murkowski (R) both voted no on the Manchin-Toomey Amendment. Senator Begich was one of only 5 Democratic Senators to vote against the amendment – 4 Republicans voted for it. Quoting TPM: The Republicans who voted for the bill were Sens. Pat Toomey (PA), Mark Kirk (IL), Susan Collins (ME) and John McCain (AZ). Democrats who voted against it were Sens. Heidi Heitkamp (ND), Max Baucus (MT), Mark Begich (AK) and Mark Pryor (AR) — the latter three are up for reelection in 2014. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) changed his vote to no…

Senator Mark Begich Fights for Flight

Alaska is different. It’s said a lot, and it’s true. Things that work in the contiguous 48 states don’t necessarily work here. The lack of understanding by those “Outside” of this phenomenon contributes to Alaskans’ slightly xenophobic, and more than slight libertarian bent. “Get off my tundra, you meddlesome kids.” Nothing defines Alaska quite so much as the gigantic size and small population. We are far flung, and disconnected. When 1500 miles separates two towns, it’s hard to remember you’re supposed to be in the same state. Alaska is larger than many countries, and pretty darn empty when it comes…