Birth Announcement (Politics Free!)
We’ve been waiting for this day here at Mudflats Central. Every spring, somewhere between mid-May and early June, we celebrate a new crop of baby moose! This year is no exception. It looks like the official Mudflats mascots, Brian and Brenda are now proud parents! Today, I decided I’d better get some weeding done in the garden. I had only pulled up about 4 fireweed, and was wondering whether I should go get a pair of gloves to pull up all the little rose bushes that seem to have taken hold, when I heard a twig snap. Usually it’s…
Open Thread – And the Winner IS…(Updated!)
Mudflatter Lisa has sent an email, stating that she does not use milk on her oatmeal, and therefore realized after the fact that the milk requirement was not satisfied. She has graciously decided to forego the prize and pass it on to the first person who included milk. (big round of applause for Lisa) So, we can now congratulate our new winner Mudflatter Stephanie and her pink sippy bowl of Cocoa-Puffs! Bowl – check, Cereal – check, Milk – check, Sigh – check! Enjoy your copy of Bloggers on the Bus, Stephanie! I’ll post the other entries on tonight’s open…
The Palin Administration’s $64,000 Question.
So, what’s the $64,000 question? Ethics watchdog Linda Kellen Biegel just asked it, apparently. She made a State of Alaska records request to find out what kind of communication has been going on between the governor’s office, right-wing shock jock Eddie Burke, and Anchorage Daily News gossip columnist Sheila Toomey. After Bill McAllister, Palin’s communication director said in a state press release that he “hoped there would be backlash” against those filing ethics complaints, there started to be….well…backlash against those filing ethics complaints. Go figure. And it started to manifest in interesting ways. See HERE and HERE. Was there direct…
Bloggers on the Bus, and in the Bowl
Tune in today to KBYR 700am today (5-7pm) to hear Shannyn Moore talk to Eric Boehlert, author of the new book “Bloggers on the Bus – How the Internet Changed Politics and the Press!” I was at work the other day when the mailman came in and handed me the usual stack of bills and junk mail, with the addition of a big brown padded envelope. “What’s this?” I thought, raising an eyebrow. It’s been my experience that brown padded envelopes are usually a good thing. And this time proved to be no exception. Inside was my very own copy…
Open Thread – MudMouse!
I thought I’d introduce you to one of the other inhabitants of Mudflats Central. It’s MudMouse. Often it is the squeaky sound of the spinning of the mouse wheel that is the background noise while I type posts, particularly in the evening. Mudmouse has a pretty good life. He’s generally either sleeping in his little hut, gorging himself on seeds or Wasa Rye Crispbread, or running a zillion miles an hour on his wheel. He’ll get the wheel going and then all of a sudden he clamps his little toes around the wire, and takes the thing for a wild…
Alaska Disastas – A Thursday Triple Roundup
We’re staring at the end of the week, and up here in the North land, it’s just one disaster after another. They seem to come in all shapes and sizes, so let’s just roll up our sleeves and dig in. Flood The early spring, and warm temperatures have not come without a price. Rapid melt on the Yukon River has caused a “breakup” like none in recorded history. Huge, house-sized chunks of ice have ridden the rising floodwaters and demolished the old village of Eagle. The governor has made a disaster declaration which includes the drainages of the Yukon, Kuskokwim,…
Shannyn Moore is on Keith Olbermann Tonight!
Shannyn will be talking about Sarah Palin’s sliding poll numbers on Keith Olbermann tonight! Tune in and talk about it here!
I Voted and Brian Approved.
I voted on my way home from work today. And for those of you who haven’t done it yet, you’ve got two hours left. I asked the poll worker how the turnout was today. He said, “Well….fair. It’s picking up a little now, though.” There was one person in a booth, and about 4 or 5 that came in with me. So I wasn’t bowled over by a huge voter turnout. But in my neck of the woods, that may be a good thing for Mr. Croft. I have to say it was a pretty simple ballot. And I always…